Ch. 15 Tourney Game

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Adrielle has been comfortable these past few days since she revealed her beast side to Jay. She's happy that Jay accepts her other side and still loves her. They have been secretly dating and the only ones that know about their relationship are Ben, Mal, Evie, Doug, and Carlos. Adrielle noticed that Audrey hasn't been by Ben's side lately which curious her but she didn't want to say anything about it to her brother because she doesn't want him to get mad at her. She let go of those feelings and started to get excited about Auradon Prep's first Tourney Game because she gets to see Jay play. 

" Adrielle!" A female voice speaks up.

Adrielle looks away from her locker and smiled when she sees Evie and Mal. She greets them politely.

" Adrielle. Want to sit with us at the benches after school during Tourney Game?" Evie asked. 

Adrielle's eyes sparkled.

" Sure!" She smiled brightly.

Evie opened her mouth to say something but Mal cuts her off. 

" Well if it isn't Bennyboo~" Mal smirks when she sees Ben walking towards them.

Ben looks at Adrielle, Mal, and Evie.

" Hello, ladies" He greets them with a smile.

Adrielle smiled giving her big brother a hug.

" Good luck on your first game as Captain, Ben!" She looks at him.

Ben smiled at Adrielle. 

" Thanks, Adri" He nods his head and turns to looks at Mal. " Your going to see the game are you?" He asked wearing a hopeful expression on his face. 

Mal's eyes softened a bit but remember something. She pulls out a cookie that she made just for him. 

" Here a good luck cookie for you" She tells him. " I hope you like it" She looks at him in the eyes. 

Ben smiled brightly taking the cookie from Mal and eats it. He stares at Mal while eating the cookie. His emotions that he already has for Mal increases just by looking at her in the eyes. He's glad that he broke up with Audrey because he could now pursue Mal since Jay told him during practice that she's single. He finished the cookie and thanks Mal for it by giving her a kiss on the cheek which surprises her. 

Adrielle stares at Mal and Ben. She noticed the way her big brother stared at Mal which is similar to the way their father look at their mother. She smiled feeling curious about their relationship and wonders if they are going out. 

Time passed and it's finally the Tourney Game. Adrielle walks up the benches with the girls and stands next to Evie. She looks forward seeing the guys training while the other team spoke strategies. She smiled spotting Jay and waves at him hoping to get his attention. She blushed when he waved back to her. 

Evie turns to look at Adrielle. 

" You know you and Jay are my one true pairing~" She whispered.

Adrielle blushed brightly. 

" You two are adorable" Evie giggles.

Mal stares at them. 

" Girls. The game is starting" She tells them. 

The Tourney game was intense but Ben and Jay brought their team to victory. Auradon Prep cheered for their Tourney team. Ben looks at the crowd and smiled when he spotted Mal. He waved at her when he gets an idea. He asked someone for a microphone which someone gave it to him. Ben gets up on the stand and stares at Mal in the eyes feeling confident to confess his feelings to her. 

Adrielle couldn't believe what she's seeing. She has never seen her big brother act that way before. She smiled knowing that Ben is in love with Mal. She thinks that Mal is perfect for Ben, unlike Audrey. 

Once Ben finished singing and confessing his love to Mal in front of everyone. Ben jumps to the crowd and swam towards Mal. He gets off of the crowd and stands in front of Mal looking at her in the eyes. Adrielle giggles finding them adorable when she hears her name. She turns around and smiled seeing Jay.

" Wanna come celebrate my victory at Charley's Burgers?" Jay asked.

" Sure!" Adrielle shouts. 

Jay smiled brightly watching Adrielle run towards him. He takes Adrielle's hand with his as they run away from the field and towards town. He takes his jersey off which is number eight and puts it on Adrielle. Adrielle laughs hugging the jersey close to her and smile when she smells Jay's masculine scent which she loves so much. They arrived at Charley's Burgers as Jay opens the door for Adrielle and they entered with big smiles on their faces. 

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