Ch. 10 I'll try out just for you

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Adrielle and Jay have gotten close these couple of months. Jay's favorite classes in Auradon Prep are PE and lunch. He doesn't mind Literature class because he enjoys seeing Adrielle being happy whenever she reads out loud to the class. The only class he hates the most is Math because he thinks it's boring and there is someone in that class he doesn't like. That person is no other than Chad Charming who keeps flirting with Adrielle. 

" Why do you let him flirt with you?" Jay asked while sitting next to Adrielle in the cafeteria. " If I were you I would have ignored him" He mumbled. 

Adrielle turns to Jay and smiled. 

" Chad may be a flirt but he's a nice guy" She tells him.

Jay rolled his eyes. 

" I don't trust him" He grabs an orange and eats it. 

Adrielle giggles finding Jay adorable when he's jealous. She didn't want to admit it but she's been crushing on Jay since the day he saved her from the huge mirror. She just didn't know how to confess her feelings to him. She's scared that Jay wouldn't feel the same for her because they are from two different worlds. 

" Hey, Jay!" A voice speaks up.

Adrielle looked forward seeing Carlos standing in front of them. She smiled at Carlos and stayed quiet listening to their conversation. 

" Yes, Carlos" Jay blinks.

" Let's try out for the school's Tourney Team!" Carlos smiled.

Jay wears a confused expression on his face.

Adrielle turns to Jay.

" The Tourney Team is Auradon's  favorite sport, a cross between lacrosse, hurling, soccer, and football" She tells him. " My big brother is the Captain of the Tourney Team" She smiled.

Carlos' eyes sparkled taking Adrielle's hands with his.

" Can you by any chance convince your brother to let us in the team" He smiled at Adrielle.

Jay pulled Carlos' ear which caused him to let go of Adrielle's hands. He didn't like it when a guy touches Adrielle who isn't him or her brother.

" Even though Ben is the Captain. You still need to try out because the Coach is looking for guys to join the team" Adrielle tells Carlos. 

Carlos nods his head.

Adrielle looks at Jay.

" You should join the team" She smiled.

Jay blushed.

" R-Really?" He rubbed the back of his neck. 

Adrielle nods her head.

" Even though I'm not a big fan of sports. I wouldn't mind seeing you play" She blushed playing with her fingers.

Jay smiled.

" I'll try out just for you!" He tells her.

Adrielle smiled feeling touched that Jay is willing to try out just for her. She blushed feeling her heart skip a beat. 

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