Chapter One

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Tick, tick, tick. Was all I heard as I waited to be released from school and onto the weekend. I looked over to Anna, my best friend. She mouths, kill me now. I nod in agreement.

I look back at the clock. 2:59:59 Finally the bell rings when another second passes by. I and the rest of the students fly out of the classroom with our backpacks and supplies and I hear my teach yell something about the homework she gave a few minutes before.

I get on my bus and head to the back. And of course as usual that same little poplar freshman is in my seat. The bus rules: oldest get the back and youngest get the front of the bus. Sense I'm a senior, I get the back with my friends and some others from my grade.

I stand next to the seat and look down at the freshman. He looks up to me and silently snorts. "You wanna get up?" I asked, aggressively. People know me as a badass type of person and not to mess with me. But this kid got some killer confidence and when I say killer, I mean it's going to kill himself.

He crosses his arm. "No." He asserts. I almost laugh. It's either he is really brave or just plain stupid. But I think he's more on the stupid side.

"Look kid-" I was going to say something about how stupid he is and that to get his ass up.

He stands up to his full height and damn was he a giant. 6'1, towering my 5'3. "I'm not a kid!" He whines. "Besides you are more like a kid if you ask me. Look at yourself!"

"Well for starters, if you don't want to be a kid in my book. Don't whine like you just did. And my height is my advantage so if you want to test me go ahead kid." I told him crossing my arms. He face turns to a tomato and I can feel the anger boiling inside him. "Try me." I whisper. "Or are you too scared?"

I definitely triggered him. He throws a punch at me. But I move fast and easily catch it. I mentally thank my dad for signing me up for self defense classes and allowing me to play hockey and soccer again.

His eyes widen at my catch and he try's to find words, but is too lost to. I slip around him slightly push him to the front before sitting in my spot. I look up to see my friends starting to load the bus along with some boys from our grade.

I also see the bus driver eyeing the freshman. I know him really well and he likes me luckily. He hates freshman because they act like they're so cool but they ain't.

"Hey Reilly, were heading to Jessie's house for homework." Anna says and winks at the word homework. I smirk. We all knew when we said homework that means we're just going to be insane as usual.

I gave her a thumbs up. "Ok sweet sounds good. I'm going to text my mom." I tell her. They sit down and since I'm in the single seat I don't have to sit next to anyone. I grab my phone for my backpack, which almost fell over because the bus started to move, and started to text my mom.

'Mom can I go to jessies house'

'Come home first, I have chores for you before you go.'

'What whyyyyy'

'You can have a hour of gaming too.'

'Ok fine'

I groan. I did not want to do chores, but I wanted to go to Jessie's and I wanted to game. Yep, I'm a gamer but whatever. Everyone in my family is a gamer but my mom. And when boys think girls can't play, I prove them wrong and crush them.

The bus came to our stop and my friends and I thank the bus driver and get off. "Bye! See you soon!" I yelled to my insane group of friends. They all get to go to Jessie's house early, but I my mom is making me come home for some stupid reason. At least in return I get a hour of gaming during any week day I want. She doesn't allow the children of the family to play on week days because we wouldn't get homework done.

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