Chapter Twenty Six

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I look up and around. It worked! We were at town hall. Yes! I turn to the confused crowd. "Hey everybody!" I scream. They all turn to me. "That," I point at the building that's town hall, "is town hall! You should find help in there!" I yell.

They all thank me before heading into the building. I see people are crying, screaming, praying, and all sorts of other things all in the name of happiness. I know exactly why they're happy, how could I not? My brother is choking back sobs. I hug him tightly.

I look around once more and see everyone is in town hall except for a young girl about the age of Charlie and Will. She's tan with dark beach wave like hair and has a simple beach like dress on. She is sobbing on the ground. But these sobs are not happy. I walk over to her slowly. Charlie stays back slightly.

I crouch down next to her. "Hey." She looks up at me with red, puffy eyes and cheeks, tearing creating a river on her face. "What's wrong?" I ask sweetly.

She buries her face in her hands and continues to sob. "Everything!" She wails into her hands. "I want my family!" She can't seem to stop the tears.

I smile at her. "Well where do they live. The people inside can help get you home." I tell her, trying to cheer her up.

"You don't understand!" She screams at me. There was a hint of anger in her voice. Something must have happened.

"Then make me." I said firmly. I need to get across to her.

She looks up at me. "They went through with me!" They're still in there? "An-and they were k-k..." she couldn't bring her self to say it. I pressed my lips together. That's something I can't help her with. "They were my only family! And they were killed!" I flinch at her words.

"I'm not going to pretend I know how you feel. But I lost my dad in there. He died in front of me. I know that pain. Now I know that your pain much be must worst, but I'm trying get to help you." She sniffs and wipes her face. Now I have her full attention. "Do you any other family?"

She tries not to, but starts to cry again. "No! I don't have anyone else! No cousins! No uncles! No aunts! No grandparents! Nothing! Just them! So I have no one..." She started to realize what this would mean.

My heart aches for her. I pulled her close to me and she started to sob again. My shoulder was getting drenched with her tears, but I didn't care about that. I care about this girl. "Hey, hey, hey. I know this is going to be tough. But I'll help you." I assure her, or at least try to.

She hugs my tightly as she sobs. "T-thank y-you." She says in between sobs. She pulls back away from me. "W-where am I suppose to go? I-I have no w-where to go." She begins to calm and takes deep breaths.

What am I suppose to do? She would probably be sent to a foster house or an adoption center. Which have probably started to fill up. I wouldn't want that for her. That would not be fun. "Tell you what," she starts to listen intensely, "you can come with me to my home. And you can stay as long as you want. How does that sound?"

She nods quickly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugs me. She pulls back and fidgets with her fingers. "Could you be like my sister? I never had one." She asked nervously.

I grin at her. "Yes of course I would...-"


"Skylar! Yes absolutely!" I answer with a excited nod. I help her stand we walk over to Charlie, who for some reason seems shy. "Skylar this is my brother Charlie. Charlie this is Skylar. She will be staying with us for some time." I explain to him.

He finally perks up. "Cool!" He says with a grin.

I look at them both. "Come on. We're going home." I say and usher them in the direction of home. It wasn't that far. We live in a small town, so the center of town was pretty close to everyone.

As we walked, Skylar wiped her still flowing tears every other minute. Charlie seemed happy and excited to go home, but didn't express it for the sake of Skylar. He is a smart kid and thank god for that. I wasn't focused on anything but I guess that was a good thing.

I kept my eyes straight ahead for the most part. I started to let my head droop and noticed my necklace looked different. It had a new attachment, which was a symbol of a spartan. Oh, I get it. Because I went to Halo and the titan was for Titanfall 2. But then I noticed something else and it didn't seem good...

The object was dim, wait no worst than dim, it had absolutely no glow. I stopped a gasp, I didn't want to have to explain to or worry the others. What's wrong with it? Is it because of giving me energy? Is it dead or whatever dead is to it? Can it still work? Questions quickly piled up in my mind.

'No, I'm not dead.' Something spoke within my mind. My head shot straight up. Luckily I was behind Charlie and Skylar, so they didn't see me. I took in a few shaky breath before shaking my head.

Yeah, now I'm actually crazy. 'No, you're not. You just didn't expect me.' It spoke again. I almost screamed. What the hell is wrong with me? 'Nothing, calm down. I'll explain when you move calmed down.'

"Reilly, are you ok?" Charlie brought me back to reality. I didn't realize that I had stopped walking and was holding me head.

I laugh awkwardly and nodded. "Yeah, sorry." I started to walk with him and Skylar again.

'Explain.' I said into my mind not knowing what to expect.

'Well first off, I am the object. When I created more energy for you, I entered your mind and body. Don't worry this is only until I gain more energy and I needed to speak with you. I know that this does not sound right, yet it is the truth.' It explained.

I nodded slowly as if I understand. 'So before I start asking questions, what should I call you? Like do you have a name?' I ask it.

'Not exactly. I have been called the Helper, el Ayudante, and the object.' It replied.

'Ayudante? You do know that's Spanish for helper. Wait, why were you called that?' Now I'm happy I took some Spanish.

'I was called that because I am here to help. People in this dimension and on this planet gave me that name.' Weird. That doesn't really make sense, but at least I can call it something.

Then another, similar, question hit me. 'Do you classify as female or male?' I wonder.

'I do not classify under either female or female. I am only an object.' It answers.

'Do you know why you were created?'

'I have a general sense of that. My founders found me and thought I could help them. I do not understand the full reason. I do, however, know I was meant to help.'

'That would explain why they called you el Ayudante. Do you know who found you?'

'No, but I do know that they speak a different way than you.' A different way? 'Yes, they speak with their mouths. Yet, they do not speak the same words as you.' Oh, so a different language.

Wait a second. I started to string everything together. If they created it to help and called her Ayudante, which means helper in Spanish. Then that would mean they speak Spanish. So that narrows down who created Ayudante, not by much but at least by a little.

'Wait, a second. You said they found you?' I asked curiously.


It only seemed to confuse me more. 'What do you mean by they found you?'

'Those people found me and thought I was meant to help.' It replied.

'What does that mean?! Meant to help what?' I paused. 'If they didn't create you, who did?'

'It means that they found me by creating me-'

'Your losing me.'

'They reconstructed me. I was found in bits and pieces on different parts on the planet. They put me back together.' I don't respond, trying to process what it's saying. 'Anyway, I am meant to help the Rebooter.'

I mentally groan. 'Yep, you lost me. We're talking about this later.' It seems to agree with me and doesn't respond.

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