Chapter Twelve

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The ronin ran at me and I ran at him. He jumped onto me. In response, I backed into a wall, squeezing him between the wall and I. He let go and dropped to the ground, and unfortunately still got up. I gripped the sword once more before throwing it at the titan with skills taught by my dad. It went straight through him and into the wall. He hung, for he was still held up by the sword.

"I have to admit, I did not trust you with that idea. But you did extremely well." BK admitted. I relaxed and let out a long breath. But I realized another titan had come along. I looked to see another ronin. I groaned. Seriously? Another one? I glare at him and grab the sword before pulling got out of the wall and destroyed titan

The titan eyed me, skeptically. "That is not your class, idiot." He radioed me, almost something as the other titan.

I laughed. "Yeah? That's what the last one said and look where that got him." I motioned to the titan I had destroyed. He didn't respond. "If you don't believe me, then being it on." Mimicking my earlier words.

The enemy laughed. "I'd love to." He said and ran at me. He swung his sword, but I dodged the attack. I quickly jammed now my sword into him. He stumbled back, yet still came at me. We both swung out swords at the same time, causing them to clash together. A series of clashes occurred after this.

Finally he dodged a clash and kicked me. I flew backwards and landed against a building. I saw the titan running at me. I raised my sword and place a hand on either side for support as the titan brought his sword down on me. I was able to withstand his force.

I gave him some of his own medicine and kicked him, causing him to fly backwards. He tried to get up, but I ran to him and swept his legs out from under him with my sword. He fell on his back. I took this chance to drive the sword into him.

I took a step back and looked around. No one was around. "Cooper, you there?" He didn't reply. "Cooper, do you you copy? Cooper!" I started to panic. Why isn't he responding? Something is definitely wrong.

I searched around town and when I reached the other side, I saw RJ on the ground with his gun kicked away and multiple titans surrounding him. Cooper was probably still in him. I grabbed my tone weapon and fired a damaging shot into one of the titans. This titan was low on health and my shot doomed it. The titan exploded and the other titans slightly freaked and searched around.

It gave Cooper enough time to grabbed his gun and get to a makeshift hiding spot. I relaxed, but then realized I had four titans on me now. Wait, where did the extra ones come from? Oh well, this only means that I have to destroy more than planned.

I aimed at a north star when someone grabbed me from behind and threw me to the ground. I looked to see a enemy ion was the one to blame. The north star noticed and fired up its weapon before shooting it into my leg. The ion held me down as a ronin slice off a leg of BK's with its sword. "Warning left leg, severed." BK warned me.

I groaned. This can't be good. "Get out pilot, before we make you." A female pilot, that I think is in the ion, radioed me.

I did as told and disembarked. The enemies eyed me carefully. I moved away from BK. The pilot from the ion jumped out of her titan. "Show me your hands." He commanded.

I knew there was no way out of this. I show her my hands. She tied them with a rope or something and took my two guns and knife. I was having no part of it either. I did what I doubt anyone who had common sense what kid do. I kicked her and used my knife I grabbed from her to cut the rope or whatever it was while running because of the titans shooting at me.

I got on top of a building and took a risky glance at the enemy titans. They were waiting for me. I went down the opposite side of the building and came around behind them. I jumped on one of them. I quickly took out a battery and threw in two grenades.

The enemy titan tried to grab me. He, however, failed because I jumped into a building and waiting for a explosion. I heard a explosion, but it was louder than I thought it would. I realized that I had blown up the entire titan because he was low on health. I silently thanked Cooper for putting damage on these titans.

I went back out of the building at saw BK firing at the enemy ion. I have to help BK! I started to wall run to gain speed before jumping onto the ion and taking its battery which I threw to the ground because I already had one. BK was losing health quicker than I thought. I threw in my last grenade and jumped off. The titan tried to grab me, but BK had a different idea. She unleashed her salvo core, which quickly destroyed the titan.

I wondered where the ronin and north star. I looked around and saw them firing at Cooper who was in cover. "I'll be right back, B." I told my titan and inserted both of the batteries I had gotten, hoping it would help her condition.

She was about to protest, but I left to help Cooper. I couldn't do much because I was out of grenades and I'm not in a titan. So I just took their batteries and gave them to Cooper. I didn't know what else to do until I saw a destroyed spectre. I found its gun which was luckily a anti-titan gun. I quickly used it to help Cooper bring down the enemy titans.

I was on the ground and firing at the enemies. One of them shot at me and thought I was going to get hit, but then I felt a electric feeling and appear in a different place. What the heck, I don't have that phase thing and I can't teleport or anything like that. Weird.

Cooper finally brought down one of the titans, but there was still one more to go. I fired at the titan multiple times and it finally got annoyed with me and came after me. I grappled to a building and got inside just barely. The titan slammed his fists into the building, trying to bring it down.

I went to the back of the building looking for another exit. But there was none. The titan finally broke one wall of the building and caused the entire place to crumble with me under it. I looked up and saw the ceiling starting to crumble without the wall the titan destroyed.

I tried to run, but there was nowhere to run to. I wasn't even able to panic before the ceiling fell on me.

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