Chapter Six

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We started to walk again. "So what's been happening around your world?" I laugh slightly at his question. "What? It's a fair question, considering the situation were in right now."

"Well people are talking about going to Mars, but they have to pick the perfected astronauts for the mission. H
The U.S. had a weird and messed up presidential election. We're practically killed our planet with human crap. What else?" I said.

"Wow your pretty negative." He says. I shrug. "Wait, you guys haven't even gone to Mars and you still have astronauts? How behind are you?" He questions me.

I glare at him as he's laughing. "What it's not my fault my people don't have advanced knowledge like yours." I cross my arms.

"Do you need some help?" I shake my head. "It seems like you do." He's still cracking up.

"No we'll figure it out eventually." I tell him. "And besides I wouldn't do that because whenever someone in the movies does something like that, they mess everything up and then they have to finish it. Not that I trust movies, but everything has a consequence."

He stops laughing and shakes his head. "Ok know-it-all way to kill my fun." I smirk. "I can also see your smirk through your helmet." He says.

"Good." I reply. He shakes his head, knowing I won this battle. I few gunshots sounded not to far ahead of us. "Are we here?" I ask.

Cooper nods. "I guess we are. We have to deal with some grunts and spectres if we are to get into the building." I nod, understanding what must be done.

We finally came across a small town. There were several buildings. But the one in the middle was the largest. "I'm guess it's the one in the middle?" Cooper nods as a answer. Makes sense. "How do we get to it?" I ask.

He looks at me and takes out his gun. "We fight." I bite my lip nervously. "Come we can do this." He says, trying to encourage me. I look at him and give him a slow nod.

He led me as we made our way to the small town. We were trying to be as quiet as possible, so we weren't caught in the open. But that, of course, didn't work. A grunt spotted us and shouted to others that we were here. They opened fire just as we did. I don't think I hit anyone at first. "Remember what I taught you." Cooper told me as he was shooting.

I immediately calmed down. Inhale. Exhale. I started to shot again. Inhale. Exhale. But this time, I was able to get hits on the enemies. Inhale. Exhale. We slowly began to move forward, little by little. Cooper started to run and I covered him. He dropped a grenade and slid through a hole in a barrier. He took out his pistol and head shotted a few grunt before dropping the pistol and hitting a spectre straight in the face, ending his mechanical life. A grunt came running at him and he stabbed him in the chest before killing another in a hard punch. One came running behind him, but I shot the grunt before he could get to Cooper. Cooper saw and gave me a thumbs up which I returned.

We kept moving forward. I was taking on a scared grunt as I heard a shot go off. I looked behind me to see a grunt with a gun in his hands. How did he miss? I shot him and killed the other grunt before continuing forward we finally wiped out the battle field and got inside. We checked each room. My lower leg was starting to hurt, but I ignored it.

Cooper finally found a room that looked right and we walked in. There was chair luckily and sat down to look at the pain in my leg. "Are you that tir-" he gasped. "Oh shit, Reilly! Your leg! Did you get shot?!?"

The pain started to increase more and more when I realized what happen. "This is not good, is it?" Cooper shook his head. "We're going to have to take it out aren't we?" Cooper sighed and nodded.

I took off my helmet and looked at my bloody leg. The grunt shot me in the back of my leg. I used my shaky hands to lift up my pants. Cooper ran out of the room and can back with a first aid kit. There was tweezers just for this type of thing.

Tears spiked my eyes. "It's alright. I'll be fast. I promise." He said looking at the wound. "I'm going to use alcohol, ok?" I nodded as a tear rolled down my cheek. He splashed the wound with the liquid. I gasped and more tears started to roll down my face. He slowly put the tweezers in and dug for the bullet. I grabbed the chair and screamed. The pain was slowly killing me.

He finally found the bullet and pulled it out. I sighed, but hissed as he put on more alcohol. He put a bandage on the wound. "Ok I'm done." He looked at me and hugged me. "Your ok. Let's get out of here." He said.

He grabbed his knife from a slot near the computers. He must have allowed the hack to download the information on the knife while he was takin care of me. I wiped my tears and pulled down my pants before putting on my helmet. I got up and went after him, almost tripping at first. My leg ached and hurt even when I didn't even use it, so it hurt worst when I was. I gritted my teeth and kept moving.

Cooper grabbed my arm and put it around him to help support me. "Thanks." I thanked him.

"Yeah, no problem." He replied as we were exiting the building.

His titan came out of the forest and greeted us. "Pilot, is she hurt?" I heard a little bit of worry in his voice, which surprised me. But it's probably because he wanted to get out of here and I would just slow him down.

Cooper nodded. "Yes, she's been shot. I took out the bullet and clean the wound, but she's in pain and can't walk very well. We have to get out of here, so she's going on top of you again." He told his titan.

"Ok, pilot." RJ replied and crouched down. My eye widen, I can't get on top of him with this leg.

And before I could ask or say anything Cooper jumped into his titan. "Reilly, don't freak out." Cooper radioed me. I nodded but was confused by what he meant. He piloted his titan to move RJ's hand toward me. And before I could stop him he picked me up.

He may have told me not to, but I freaked out. I looked around as he lifted me up and toward the top of him. Inhale. Exhale. I calmed myself by using Cooper's method. He gently set me up on of top and we set off. We went north, probably toward a Militia ship or base. As it was getting dark, we stopped and found a small cave. Cooper helped me down and I sat down at the mouth of the cave.

Cooper walked over to me and took out what was shaped like a epinephrine auto-injector, but I knew it wasn't. "This is going to pinch and it will probably knock you out, but it's going to help." I nod and look away as he stabs it into my thigh. It feels like a large needle. My vision quickly blurs and black specks appear and multiply. I don't resist the darkness and let it take me into its large arms.

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