Chapter Nine

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Oh no, this can't be happening. "We're going to have to jump!" Briggs yelled over the alarms going off.

The pilot somehow heard her and opened the back of the plane. I looked to see we were still far from the ground. "Cooper! Reilly! Go now!" Cooper and I hesitated. "That's an order!"

Cooper grabbed a parachute and put it on. My mind was still racing. Briggs grabbed a parachute and went to the pilot. "Reilly come on!" Cooper yelled to me. I didn't respond. He made a quick decision and grabbed me before jumping.

We plummeted to the ground. I screamed and held onto Cooper as tightly as I could. Cooper finally let the parachute go, immediately slowly us down. He held on to me tighter as the planet's gravity threaten to pull me out of his grip.

We finally reached the tree line. I jerked to dodge a tree branch. Not the best idea. I slipped out of Cooper's arms and free fell downward. My scream got caught in my throat. My mind raced for any solution. My tried to grab a branch or something, but wasn't able to get my hands on anything.

Then a life saving thought came into my mind. I used my grapple to attach to a large tree. It stops me from hitting the ground which was only a foot away. I bring back my grapple back to me and drop the final foot.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. I bend over and place my hands on my knees to support me. Cooper finally lands. "Well that was a fun ride, aye?" He looks at me, but I don't respond. "You good, Reilly?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I think. I feel like I'm going to be sick, but other than that yeah just a little shaken." I tell him. He laughs.

I sigh and shake my head. My leg aches, along with my mind. "Please tell me this isn't a daily thing." I hope for the best.

"Oh it is. So you better get use to it." He replies.

I groan. "Great."

He laughs. "You like sarcasm?" He asks, amused by my tone.

I laugh. "Oh yes I do. So you better got use to it." I mimic his words. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Hey! You two! Let's go, we don't have much time." Briggs shouts to us. We run to her and look to see that we are at the edge of the forest. In the open is a newly, probably easily moveable, building. It looks like it was the Militia's building. But now both the Militia and the IMC forces swarmed the place, fighting each other.

There were three IMC titans, while we had none. "I'm calling in my titan! Cooper get yours here as fast as you can!" Briggs yelled over the explosions and gunfire. "Reilly...I don't think you have a titan, but you can try." Briggs said to me, shrugging. I was surprised that she didn't really car if I got a titan or not.

I nodded. I probably didn't have a titan, that would make sense. But I could try. I switched my radio switch. "Hello? This is...pilot Reilly." I ask hesitantly.

"Pilot Reilly what do you need, over." Someone responded. Do I need to say over at the end?

Ok good, so that worked. "Requesting titanfall, over." I replied, sorta hoping this worked but at the same time not hoping this worked.

"I cannot find your titan, pilot Reilly. What's your code, over." He asked.

Shoot! What does that mean? My code? Do pilots have codes? Then a thought came to my head. "Ok ready...d, r, a, g, o, n, s, t, a, r, over." I said, hoping it worked. That was my username on Xbox, 'dragonstar'.

There was a pause. "Never heard of you before, but copy that. When do you want your titan dropped, over?" He asked. Yes, it worked! But do I really want to deal with a titan.

I was too focused on contacting this guy and didn't notice that there was still a war going on. I shot a grunt and threw a grenade before running from the explosion. I slammed my fist into a grunt and my knife into another. "Requesting titanfall in five..." I fired at a spectre. "...four..." I killed another grunt with my gun. "...three..." I continued to shoot at enemies. "...two..." I used a grenade to send others flying. ""

"Copy that. Sending in titan, over." He told me. A circle with a arrow pointing into the middle of it appeared on the ground not too far from me. I knew it was where my titan would drop and I was nervous as hell. I didn't know how the titan would react to me.

I heard a noise from above, I knew it was my titan. I stood in the open and shot at anything I could. A enemy titan stepped out from a building not too far from me. He immediately looked at me and raised his gun, which happened to be a rail gun. Oh hell.

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