Chapter Sixteen

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The legion started spinning up as we redirected ourselves to a different direction. The legion sprayed its bullets in the direction we were going. Another titan dropped down. A ion. It came running full speed. Cooper and I spilt up, forcing it to decide to who go after. It came after me of course. Lovely.

I attached my grapple to the top of a tree before using the grapple like a rope and swung around the tree. The titan still came after me. I realize it couldn't see me, not in the darkness, and it didn't have any type of sonar pulse. I found two trees that were the perfect length from each other. I made a small noise to get the attention of the titan. I attached the grapple to on the trees and wrapped it around the other a couple feet above the ground.

The titan came after me. It looked every which way and continued to walk forward. Little did it know that it was heading straight for my trick. I pulled tight as the titan finally reached me. The titan brought its foot up like every other time, but it didn't notice the grapple ready to stop the foot. As it foot was pulled back down, the other foot thought that it was its turn to take a step. But it was wrong, dead wrong.

The titan tripped and fell face first into the ground. I pulled my grapple back to me before another idea came into my head. I went up to the titan that was trying to get up. As it used it two hands to push itself up, it looked up at me. I stared right back at me. I smirked and launched my grapple into its data core.

I brought the grapple back to me. I threw the dead data core into the forest before taking off into a dead sprint. I looked for Cooper and kept an eye out for anymore enemies. I saw the legion was walking with its gun running. It was ready to fire. It turned side to side, scanning the area. Meaning that it was looking for something...or someone. Cooper.

This time I scanned the area. I was looking for Cooper and hoping to find him before the legion. Even though I didn't even know what I would do when I found him. I look around frantically. Then I saw a tree with a shadow behind it. Bingo. But the legion also noticed. It grabbed the tree and ripped it from its roots.

I made a quick decision. "Hey!" I shouted and waved my hands up and down, trying to gain the attention of the titan.

The legion turned to me. It seemed to be undecided as it looked between Cooper and I. It made its decision when it took a step toward me. Cooper jumped up. "Hey! Over here!" He yelled.

The legion looked back at him and took a step toward him. He was within arms reach of Cooper. "No! Bit over here big guy!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

The legion didn't even glance at me. He raised a fist and looked ready to crush Cooper. Panic spread through my body. I ran toward Cooper. I dived into him, pushing him back, and raised my hands above me as if I could catch the punch.

But it never came.

I looked to see the titan's hand turn into pixels and melt into the air. Like a disease, the pixels traveled throughout his body, ripping it apart and melting it into the air as if it was nothing.

I gasped and looked at my hands. But I had no time to react as another titan came along. I looked at Cooper and we shared a silent conversation before we started to run. The titan started to spray bullets. I pushed Cooper to the left. I could see a cliff and a idea formed in my head. We stopped at the edge of the cliff and looked over it. "Do you trust me?" I ask Cooper. He looks at me and nods.

I lift up my right hand in front of him. He looks at it before gripping it with his right hand. I jump and pull him with me. I turn back to the cliff and send my grapple into it. It stops us from falling anymore. My feet collide with the cliff wall. I look to see Cooper is completely fine. I slowly start to walk down the cliff with Cooper.

Once we reach the bottom, we take off into the woods. I didn't know how long we ran for, but I was too scared to stop. My legs burned and sweat rolled down my face and neck. We finally stopped at a small stream. I put my hands on my knees and drew in deep breaths.

I collapsed against a tree. Cooper sat down next to me. We didn't speak. We didn't need to. We had already decided that we were resting. I couldn't stop my eyes from closing before I fell into a deep sleep.


I awoke to sunlight. I blinked more than I could count before my eyes adjusted to the bright light. I yawned and looked around. I noticed that Cooper was still asleep.

I leaned my head against the tree and closed my eyes. But for some reason I wasn't tired anymore. "So I was about to sleepwalk only a few hours ago, but now?" I talked to myself, shaking my head, but not loud enough to wake Cooper.

I took off the object and held it in my hand. "What the heck are you?" I ask it, but of course don't get answer. Why would it give me one? I look at it closely. "Can you take me home?" Still not expecting answer.

It glows brightly, but returns to its normal glow. I frown. "Was that a yes?" I ask it. It glows brightly once more and again goes back to normal. I bit my tongue. "Am I dreaming?" I was asking myself, but it answers and dims its glow. "Like me guess that was a no?" I ask, raising a eyebrow. Again, it glows brightly.

I pause. So I have to ask yes and no questions. Maybe I can figure out how this happened. "Do you know how this happened?" It brightens. "Can you explain it to me?" Sadly, it dims. "Is it too hard to explain?" It glows brightly, yes.

I groan. "Great, that's just great. Well, do you know who caused it?" The object dimmed. I sighed and shook my head. I will kill whoever caused this myself. So somehow I'm going to have to find out who.

"Are you the reason I glitch?" It brightens again. That makes sense. Ever sense I got the object, I've started to glitch. "Can I control it?" I receive a yes. "I'm guessing you can't explain how." I reply, getting another yes.

I groan. "This is going to be fun." I comment sarcastically. The object doesn't respond.

Cooper started to stir. "We should start moving again. I don't know how well they can track people." He said.

I nodded in agreement and we got up. I got a drink we meeting up with Cooper for the plan. "So what exactly are we going to do?" I ask him.

"We're going to-"

"Come with me." A familiar voice cut off Cooper I turned around to come face to face with a gun to my head and Blisk behind it.

I look at Cooper who was looking at his gun which he left on the ground by the tree along with my equipment. A group of grunts emerged from the bushes, their guns trained on us. Two shots range out. I felt one enter my arm, but not like a regular bullet. Like a needle.

My vision blurred. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cooper drop to all fours. I swayed back and forward on my feet. Black dots started to appear. I felt myself lose all control of my body. Blisk said something I couldn't hear right. I finally fell back, I wanted to caught myself because I knew I would hurt my head but I couldn't. Someone caught me before I hit the ground.

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