Chapter Fourteen

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I clenched my jaw as he's inspecting the object. I look down in shame. But then I do something that could have gotten me killed. I slammed my head into his. He falls back and I'm pretty sure it hurt me more than him, but I ignored the pain.

He glared at me. "You shouldn't have done that." Before I could even think, he smashed BK's data core. I cried out, but there was nothing I could do. I felt the link between us brake and disintegrate. I know that she's a machine, a titan, and I've only been with her for so long. But that link, i-it felt so...real.

The idiot grinned at me. "Aw, are you going to cry?" He mocked me.

Anger and rage built up inside me until I could not longer control it. I glared at him. "No. I'm going to beat your ass." While still on the ground, I use my legs to take out his. He falls while I stand. He is quietly back on his feet. But I put him back to the ground with a kick to the stomach.

He dropped the object in the process. He shakes his head and tries to stand, but I jump in the air and slam both of my feet into him. I land on top of the object. I feel the object on my neck again and notice that it, again, somehow teleported on my neck. When I get up again, I find that I somehow got out of the ropes. Was that the objects doing?

I ignored my own questions and focused on the task at hand. I scrambled to my smart pistol that happened to be laying on the ground a couple feet away from me. I use it to shoot the guy in the head with no hesitation. No hesitation...

I shook my head and moved on. I start to run through the halls shooting anyone that tried to kill me. I checked every single room. But no Cooper. Then I spotted one door I didn't check. I looked to see it lead to a staircase. I quickly climbed the stairs to a smaller hallway with only five doors. All of which weren't locked, but one. I knew Cooper was in that one.

A guard came running up the stairs and I slid into a open dark room. Luckily, no one was in there. I kept the door open by the slightest so it didn't make noise use and so I could watch a little. The guy had a card that opened the room. I quickly got the the door before it closed.

I kicked it open and was face to face with a IMC rifleman. Gosh dang it. He raised his gun and fired. I tried to move out of the way and thought I was going to get hit. But instead my vision readjusted and I feel a electric feeling and I realized my body moved to another position, like I teleported. I blinked and looked around wide eyed. It happened again. The guy's mouth dropped along with his gun.

Someone from within the room shouted something and I snapped back to reality. I punched the guy and looked into the room. I shot one the only guard and saw Cooper tied to a chair. "Cooper!" I shout and run to his aid. I quickly untie him and look at him.

He's out cold. I shake him. Nothing. I try again. Nothing. I try again and again, even punching him in the chest. Still, nothing. I press my fingers on his neck, there's a pulse. I let out a small sigh, knowing he was still alive. I groan, knowing what I had to do, and grab his arm before throwing it around me. He start to drag him to the loading area of the ship. Which I noticed was pretty small, but I'm graceful for that cause there would have been a lot more guards.

I open the hatch and realize that we took off. How did I not notice? What am I suppose to do? I see a parachute, there's five actually. Wow, so now there's more than one. That's incredible. I grab one and pull Cooper over to the edge of the hatch.

I look down. I don't know if I can do this, but this whole thing has made me do a lot of things I'd never thought I'd do. I started to name off things I've never done till this passed week. And then I landed on killing. I realized that now I've killed people. Innocent or not, I still did it. My breath quickened. Why was it so easy to do that? Then it hit me. Because I still feel like it's a video game.

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