Chapter Seventeen

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"Don't touch her!" Someone familiar shouted.

"Why?" Some else asked.

"You can't touch her, let alone 'it'." Another, I could only recognize as Blisk, said. "Unless you want to die, then please go ahead."

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room tied to a chair, stripped of my weapons and helmet. There were eight people in the room. Cooper, who's also tied into a chair next to me. Four guards around the room. Blisk. One person I didn't recognize. And surprisingly General Marder.

"Ah, morning sunshine." I squeezed my eyes and groaned quietly. "Looks like someone's excited to be here." I think Blisk said.

"Oh I am." I state. Cooper starts to stir as I speak.

"Great, then let's get down to business." Said the unfamiliar person.

I shook my head trying to shake off the sleepiness. "We got Blisk and General Marder, but then there's you. So who are you?" I ask, skeptically.

He laughed. "My name is Andrew and I'm like you, not from around here." I narrowed my eyes. "I'm apart of a elite group of soldiers called the Skull Rescuers created by the U.S. government." Skull? Like the skull that appeared before I went into the game?

My eyes widened. "The Skull Rescuers? Like the skull I saw before I came here?By the way, you're a little late." I reply coldly.

He doesn't answer my question. Instead, he frowns and motions to me. "Well, obviously not."

Anger boils in me. "Do you know how many people from our world have died here?" My voice started to rise. "How many people are dead because you arrived late?"

He raised a eyebrow. "I'm sorry that you had to experience all that. But I couldn't do anything until I had the object." He says casually.

I narrow my eyes. "And you think I'm going to give it to you." I predict.

He nods and smiles. "Yes, of course. If you give me it, then I can get you and rest that are still here home. You want that, don't you?" He asks me.

One thing that this has all taught me is that not to trust just anyone. I nod and smirk at the guy. "Yeah, but not with your help." I reply with venom in my voice.

He eyes me. "Well, don't you want to go home and return to your normal life?" He asked curiously.

I clenched my fists. "I can't return to my 'normal' life just like that?" I snap my fingers, even thought they're tied.

His smile fades, realizing I'm going to be more difficult than he thought. "Look kid, if you don't want to go home that's fine. But I'm going to get that object." He asserted.

I laughed. "Kid? You think I'm a kid? No I'm not a kid, not anymore. I'm a fucking soldier! Like hell I wanna be kid, but I can't because of the shit you all got me in. Yeah, I wanna be at my home with friends and not have to worry about what I have to worry about now. But I can't." My blood was boiling.

Blisk stands up and takes out a pistol. "Give it up or I'll shoot you." He warned.

I looked at him. "Do it, I dare you." I spit, determination filled my voice. I honestly wanted to shut myself up, but my anger didn't let me. "Or are you too scared?"

He smirked and laughed before firing at my leg. My entire world slowed down as I focused on the bullet. I glitched the bullet and turned it in a different direction. I don't really know how, it's one of those things that you just know how to do and don't know how to explain it. But it did surprise myself. I hadn't realize that I did a headshot on one of the guards, until he fell.

Gasps erupted from the room and all heads snapped toward me. I looked down. I realized that I should try to glitch my hands out of my restraints. I could get Cooper out of here.

I closed my eyes and focused on my hands and the ropes around them. Inhale. I yearned for that electric feeling I get when I glitch. Exhale. I felt for the power I unleash. Inhale. I found that power and used it. Exhale. I glitched my hands out of the ropes, but held in place so it seemed like they were still on me.

I looked back up, square into Andrews's eyes. "What I don't understand is that, I'm a part of the U.S. government but you still won't trust me." He said.

I smirked. "Look dumbass, I'm not a idiot. I know you had something to do with this. It's a great idea, to be honest." I said. "The world is becoming over populated, so why not just take out the world's gamers. Makes sense, right? Besides, most won't understand how that's even possible. So if one person figures out, the rest won't believe them." I explain for him.

"Fine kid , you may have figure that out. But you don't know how to work that thing-"

"-and you do?"

"-and yes I do know how to work it and get you home-"


"-so don't be a idiot and just let me get you home." He finally finished, trying to not get interrupted by me again.

I laughed. "You call me a idiot? You're the idiot. Once I give you it, you'll just kill me. I know your secret, so you can't let me tell other people on our planet." I wasn't giving in anytime soon, if ever.

He snorted. "I'm fine with you never seeing your family again. I wonder if they've already accept that your dead and have forgotten about you." He thought out loud smugly.

That pissed me off. I let go of the rope and stood up before throwing a chair at him. He didn't expect it and was knocked over which also knocked off Blisk. I ran to Cooper undid his ropes before placing myself between him and the idiots, as I like to call them.

The guards raised their guns and the idiots looked pissed. Hey, that's what you get. They looked like they were ready for a fight. "I just want to go home." I whispered to myself, thinking of my house and family. Cooper might have heard it, for he placed a hand on my shoulder. I grabbed my arm for reassurance.

The object on my necklace glowed so brightly the idiots and guards had to cover their eyes. My vision was blinded and everything went dark. I immediately realized what was happening. But where to, I wasn't really sure. I almost positive it would be to my home.

But who was I to know?

I was finally able to open my eyes, but not to Andrew or Blisk or any of them. I sat up and looked around. We were in someone's room. It was most likely a girl, a tomboy type girl. The wall were a navy blue. Most of the objects in her room were dark colors like black, blue, gray, or red. And I couldn't help but notice her video game posters. If I ever find the girl who lives here, I'd tell her that her room is prefect's like mine.

This is my room.

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