Chapter Twenty Five

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"Come on, Reilly!"

I thought I heard something. But I think it was just my mind trying to get me to fight harder.

"Come on, Rei!"

I realized it wasn't my mind. Someone was screaming at me. I turned my head to see Charlie standing there screaming at me. He and I knew he couldn't do anything to help me without killing me or himself.

"Please, Rei!"

He started to plead for me to fight. My brain seemed to start to function again even without oxygen.

I came all this way to only die and fail at what I came here for. My brother would die with me. No. There was no way in hell that was happening. No. I wasn't dying today. Not today.

A surge of adrenaline flowed through my body. I lifted my feet to my chest before driving them into the elite. He luckily didn't expect it or the amount of forced I exerted on him. He flew off me and I was able to grab a few more breaths. I quickly got up and ran at him. I grabbed the energy sword along the way and stabbed it into his neck. He didn't stand a chance against the weapon and fell to the ground, limp and dead.

I relaxed slightly and dropped the sword. I wanted to roar and scream at the victory, but I couldn't. I was too out of breath. And it made me realize how close I was to giving up. I shook my heads, trying to clear my thoughts but already knowing I would fail.

I was tackled by Charlie. I smiled and laughed. "Would you might getting off, so I can help..." I looked to see that Charlie had already untied their restraints. I shook my head. "Why are you so smart?"

He gave me a face that I returned. "I'm smart. But that's just common sense." I roll my eyes and ruffle his hair.

He gets off and allows me to get up. "Finally." I mutter, earning another look from him. He chucks my helmet at me. I caught it and look at him. "You a bit sassy today?" I ask him.

He shakes his head in annoyance and rolls his eyes. I slip my helmet on and look at Chief. "Let's move. Now." He states. I realize I almost forgot something, but when I turn around to look for it. I look down to see it's right back on my neck. I quietly laugh to myself before turning to leave with the others.

Before I leave the room, I look behind me. Matt is on the ground moaning. He sees me and grabs a gun. I raise my hand and sparks and pixels fly from it. They hit Matt and quickly turn him into pixels before they all disappear into thin air. I frown and look at my hand. Learn something new everyday. I quickly catch up to the others.

We venture through hallways, shooting down any enemies we see. Blue Team and I had grabbed a few guns along the way. I kept Charlie behind me and close to me just in case anything happened. He didn't have any type of amor, just a jumpsuit. I need to protect him, whatever the cost.

We finally exit the building and are back outside. We're back in the canyons again. Chief seems to know where to go and is leading us. We manage to only run into small groups of enemies, nothing major.

When we enter camp once more, Charlie and I were guided back into the building. We were lead into the same room. "We got a few questions for you." Chief told me after he had a short conversation with the other people.

I nod and take off my helmet. "Can we trust you?" A man asked me. I slightly frown, but hide it, and nod. "How do we know we can trust you after that other guy?"

My voice caught in my throat. How was a suppose to answer that. "She saved my life, sir." Fred spoke up.

The man was slightly surprised, but nodded anyway. "What is on you that creates those energy bursts?" He asks me curiously.

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