Chapter Two

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I looked down at myself. I wasn't in my clothes no longer. I was wearing a pilot outfit (grapple) and I had a gun in one of my hands.

I realized that my dad was next to me in the pilot he uses most (cloak). "Dad? You alright?" I slightly shake him.

He moans. "Yeah, I'm good. What happened?" He asks and looks around. "What the heck? Where are we?"

I shrug. "I have no idea. It looks like the Titanfall 2 map that I was just playing, but that's just insane." I replied.

A few shot fired in our direction. We scrabble to fine cover. I see that there are grunts moving toward us. "What do we do?" I asked. However, I thought this was just a dream.

"Survive." Was all he said.

He shot at the grunts. I was hesitant, but decided to shoot at the grunts. I didn't hit one of the grunts, it was all my dad. He was taught to use different types of gun because he was the type of guy that thought one day there could be a apocalypse or something. He wanted to teach me, but mom wouldn't let him. We started to move across the map no really knowing where to go.

But we ran into an enemy pilot, IMC. I think we were the militia then. He was extremely startled and exhausted. "Do you guys know what's going on?" He asked while pressing on his leg with his hand. I could red blood surrounding that hand. He had taken off his helmet, showing his wild eyes.

I didn't respond and neither did my dad. The guy seemed desperate to hear something. "No, is this...real?" I ask.

The guy nods. "I got stabbed in the leg and I'm dying. The kills." He said.

I was starting to get scare. This can't be real, so I did what everyone else did. I pinched myself. And when they I wanted it or not, I felt a little pain from my skin being squeezed. I felt my heartbeat speed up.

The guy used a wall to sit on the ground slowly without causing more pain than he already had.

I turn to my dad. "What are we suppose to do?" I could hear the urgency in my voice.

He was still staring at the guy. He took in a deep breath. "I don't know." Was not what I wanted to hear. "This is all insane. But I do know that we need to find a way out of here."

I nod and sighed. He was right whether I liked it or not. I still just couldn't believe this was real. "This has to be a dream." I say to myself and put my hands on my head.

My dad looks at me and pulls me into a hug. "Hey, it's ok. Everything going to be fine." Deep down I knew this was real and deep down I knew that nothing was going to be fine.

My dad and I stayed like that for a few minutes. But I was the once to brake off the hug. "Come on. We got to get to higher ground. In case they send more grunts or spectres." He said as he checked our surroundings.

I asked the question, I didn't want to ask. "What if we run into another pilot?" I asked, hesitantly.

My dad paused before he answered. "We do what we need to do. Got it? If they have a problem with us, we have a problem with them." He told me.

I nodded before we started to run toward the edge of the map. We weren't too far away, which was good. Every now and then I would hear gunshots and it would always freak me out.

We had to climb a little bit, but I was fine with that. Just as long as we got to a safer area. Dad helped me out at first before I got the hang of it. Once I was at the top I reached down to grab his hand and help him up.

"Thanks," he says as he uses my help to get up the small cliff. I thought that we should our jump kits but I just didn't know how. Or at least I didn't think so.

"How do we use the jump kits do you think?" I ask him.

He turns to me and shrugs. "I have no idea. You can try testing it out." He suggests.

I nod and look at the glove like technology on my hand. There were only a few things on them. I clenched my fist like Cooper did in the campaign. I was sent flying into the air and sense I didn't expect it I landed on my back.

I sat up and heard my dad laughing. "Shut up!" I yell at him. "At least I got it right." And before he answered, I got up and tried again. This time I landed perfectly.

I looked at the other glove thing and clenched my fist. The glove thing shot up a grapple. Oh, so that's how you do that. I unclenched my fist to bring the grapple back to me. "Ha! See who figured it out? Not you!" I yell at him.

He just laughs again. More shots came from behind us. "Come on, let's move." He stated firmly. I nodded and we set off, deeper into this unknown world.


We had been walking for miles and finally came across a river. I dropped to my knees and took off my helmet for a drink. It was fresh and cold tasting, prefect. "We can stay and rest for 5 minutes. We still have to get farther away for the battle fields." He said. I nodded and put my hair into a messy bun before putting back on my helmet.

I knew that. But the problem was...where were we going? We could run into another battle field any moment. But just as I was going to oppose, I heard movement in the bushes. I tensed along with my dad.

Five IMC soldiers came out of the bushes. I didn't have much time to react. They started to fired at us. I, in reaction, double jumped into the air using my jump kit. I saw my use his cloak and sneak round to the other side of the soldiers.

We took them out finally, but as my dad uncloaked he fell to the ground. "Dad!" I screamed. I saw the blood starting to leak from bullet wounds. "Oh my god! Dad! Dad are you ok?!" I ran to his side and started to cry.

He took off his helmet and reached his hand up to me. I grabbed it and held it tight. "Hey, hey. It's going to be fine." He told me. I took off my helmet. "Will you do me a favor?"

I nodded my head faster than a cheetah running. "Please don't go." I whisper.

"I need you to survive and get out of here." Paused to breath, but his breaths were getting worst. "Promise me that, please?"

I look down at him and into his green eyes that were identical to my eyes. I didn't want to, but I still nodded slowly. He pulls me down for a hug, "don't give up. Remember what I've taught you. Stay strong, Rei." He says and I wanted him to say more so I knew he was still with me, but he stopped and loosened his grip.

I knew that he had passed, but I didn't want to think it. I don't let go of him for I don't know how long. This can't be happening! Why him? Why my dad?! I finally set him down, however I refused to look at him. I didn't want to.

I get up and on accidentally look at my dad. His eyes are still open and my eyes start to water again. This cannot be real. His eyes were just staring at the sky, lifeless. It was hard to look at. Crouch down and use my hand to close his eyes. There...

Survive. I don't know if I can. Not without him. I always looked up to him. He taught me so many things. He taught me how to survive if I got lost in a forest. How to fight. How to help others. How to care of myself. How to gain my confidence. With him dead, I lost my mind, my confidence, my...hope.

I kneeled next to him and started to cry. I can't do this, not without him. I'm lost without him! He was my light in the darkness. Especially now, I need someone to guide me. I couldn't stop crying, but I didn't try. I let my painful tears fall.

I finally stop and wipe my wet face before standing up. I put back on my helmet and ran into the forest to gather rocks. I covered his body with the rocks and said a few words before painfully turning to leave.

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