Chapter Eleven

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However, before I could even say anything to Cooper. A wave of soldiers came into the room. Cooper barely was able to get one shot off. We were tackled by then IMC soldiers.

They took our weapons and dragged us to the loading area. "This is going to be fun." Cooper said under his breath. I put my head down on shame. I should have never brought him with, now he could die because of me. "Hey were getting out of this." He noticed.

I shook my head. I was on the edge of crying. "No, it's just if you didn't come wouldn't be involved in this." I told him, shakily.

He sighed. "I'm would have come alone if I could. Besides, this isn't your fault." He assured me. I didn't believe him one bit. Guilt was flowing through my body at what I had done.

A man walked into the room. One I could only recognize at Blisk. "So how stupid at you that you would try to take something from a IMC ship, alone?" He asked in a smartass tone.

I blinked away my tears and didn't respond. He looked at Cooper and I closely. "I'll only ask this once. Where is the object?" He made his point clear. Great, now their only going to think we have it when we don't. We don't respond. He sighed at our response. "Check them." He said.

IMC soldiers quickly surrounded us. They took off my helmet and patted my pockets. "Stop!" One said and they did. "What around her neck?" One soldier tugged at something that felt like a necklace.

He finally broke it free. I got a look at it. It was black necklace with a blue glowing object and a symbol of a titan hooked on. I frowned. I'd never even seen that before. "Sir, we found it." The soldier holding it said while trying to keep his hands away from the object.  My mouth dropped. That's it?! Wait! How did it get there?! Questions raced through my mind, looking for a answer but finding none.

"Good work. Did you find it on the girl?" The soldier nodded as a answer. I shut my mouth and gave Blisk a hard look as he crouched in front on me. "You got guts trying to hide this." He said. I don't respond. "Now tell me how you aren't dead." He was probably referring to the fact that anyone who has touched the object is dead.

"Sir, where should I put the object?" The guard holding the object asked. Before Blisk could respond, the object started to grow much more than before. The room went silent and everyone stopped what they were doing.

The object went dark before it shined bright enough I blind me and then a wave of force hit everyone, except for Cooper and I, and causes them to crash to the ground. The soldier holding the object was torn into small pixels. I gasped and stared at the scene around me. How did it not hurt us?

I heard shouts throughout the ship. "We gotta get out of here!" I shouted at Cooper who was also staring at the scene before him. He blinked out of his gaze and got up. I put on my helmet and grabbed my gun that they had taken from me and out on a table. I tossed Cooper's gun to him and found a parachute. "There's only one." I groan.

Cooper laughed as he opened the hatch. "Just like last time." He said.

I glared at him. "No, there are significantly more variables..." I say in a scientific tone, but quickly stop. This happened in the campaign of Titanfall 2. I didn't know if he had said that during the campaign because you were able to pick what Cooper said, I just felt bad if it was.

Cooper eyed me. "More variables between moving objects." He finished. "I think that's what he said." I don't know what to do. "Hey, its fine. He was a good titan, but I'm not crying over him. Am I?" I shook my head and relax.

He grabs the parachute from my hands and puts it on. "Where's the object?" I ask while searching the floor. A scary thought enters my head. I check my neck. It's there. This scared the hell out of me but we had to go. "Let's go now." I say as a few of the soldiers survived and were trying to get up.

I see Blisk getting up. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you!" He shouts at us, but we payed no mind to him.

Cooper nods as a group of soldiers came into the landing area. Cooper quickly grabs me and we were pulled down by the planet. I held on tightly to Cooper and looked at the ground that was growing larger by the second. Cooper finally let the parachute free as we neared the ground. I jumped off Cooper and did a little summersault before checking the surroundings area.

The area was clean and untouched, surprisingly. I looked at the object around my neck. I could probably use it to get out of here right now, but I couldn't do that to Cooper. I silently made him a promise that I would stay until I knew he was safe.

I heard a familiar noise that only signaled a titanfall. "It's alright, it's RJ. You can call in yours. I guess they knew that we may need them and they prepared them for titanfall. Besides, IMC troops are coming." He told me.

I nodded and called in my titan. RJ and Cooper discuss something while BK dropped in. "Hey B, you ready to go?" I ask her.

"Yes I am, pilot." She replies.

"Come on, let's go!" Cooper yelled to us.

I embarked into BK and followed Cooper who had done the same. We entered a broken down town. But what we didn't notice was the waiting IMC forces. They attacked out of nowhere. I quickly put up my particle wall and fired back. There were dozens of grunts and spectres and about six titans. This is ain't gonna be fun.

I dash to a building for cover as my particle wall runs out of energy. A enemy titan gets to me and I am forced to fight without cover. The titan was close to me so I decided to take a risk. I grabbed the titans gun pushed it up so it couldn't shoot at me and I fired into it. It used its other hand to hit me, which caused me to stubble backwards.

I used a short building to jump up into the air and smash my fist into the titan as I came down. I smirked at the small victory, but another enemy titan grabbed me from behind and threw me into a building. I looked to see a ronin stepping on my gun, such a show-off move.

I was about to get up when it ran over to me and brought the sword down on me. The sword, however, was stopped by my hands. I held onto the sword and kicked the titan off me. I gripped my hands on the handle of the sword. "Pilot, I am not equipped with this type of class." BK warned me.

I take a deep breath and take one look at the ronin. "B, hand full controls to me. I got this." I knew this class very well. It use to be my favorite until I tried tone. I would still use ronin from time to time, but mostly tone.

"Pilot, I highly disagree with this decision." BK stated.

I bit my lip. "Yes. I know, B." I knew from the start this will be my riskiest decision yet and that all the odds will be against me.

I raised the sword with my right and put my left out of a incoming attack as I dared the titan to come at me. "That's not your class, sweetheart." A male voice, which I realized was the enemy, radioed me.

I gritted my teeth. "Bring it on, tough guy." I challenged.

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