Chapter Twenty Two

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We keep moving. This time, however, we were watching for boobytraps. I knew the others were keeping a even closer eye on me, at this point, I didn't really care. I only cared about one thing. Finding my brother. I wouldn't be able to live with the fact that he died because I couldn't get to him.

I was on high alert, ready for anything. I glanced around. Something caught my eye. I saw a glare from metal at the top of the canyon. Sniper. They were looking at me. Good. I raised my gun and shot a burst of bullets. It hit the sniper, just barely, and caused him to fall of the edge of the canyon.

Blue Team's gaze snapped to me with confusion, until the sniper hit the ground. "Nice eye." Linda says. I give her a quick nod before we continue on.

I feel like we've been walking forever. But I know it's just because I want to find my brother. I need to know he's ok and safe.

We come across a group of Covenant forces. The grunt quickly noticed us and fired at us, but didn't do a very good job. With four super soldiers and a, I guess, little advanced soldier, we could easily take them down.

I found cover behind a tree and fired back at the enemies. I had forgotten how strong the elites were. "Watch out!" I heard someone shout. I looked for the source. It was Kelly and she was pointing at me, or something behind me. I turned around to an elite. Great.

He grabbed me by my neck. But this time, I had been choked before and I was expecting it. I focused my eyes on my his back before glitching onto his back and snapping his neck. Take that.

Kelly watched me in shock along with Linda and Fred. Chief wasn't very shocked looking, only eyeing me. "What the hell?" Linda muttered.

I shrugged. "That's just me glitching."

"That seems more like teleporting." Kelly remarks.

I shake my head. "Well you see how the atmosphere moves around me. It's like pixels. They twist and bend me to a different place. And I would call it teleporting, if didn't do other things." I explain.

"What do you mean by other things?" Fred asks.

"Well um..." How could I show them? I look around, spotting a rock. Perfect. I pick it up. "Well like this." I say and throw the rock. But as it's thrown, I glitch it causing it to come straight back into my hand. My head slightly ached. I was starting to notice how much energy it took to glitch. They looked at each other, but I could not tell their reaction. They seemed to be able to speak to each other without any words involved.

A shot sounded from above. Snipers. I quickly turned. To see a bullet coming right at me with intense speed. I quickly brought up my hand and forced the bullet straight back the idiot who shot it. But of course there was another enemy. Not a sniper, though. They threw a grenade that sent me flying. I had little time to react before a Elite was on top of me, aiming his gun at my head.

I was frozen in place. But luckily someone else wasn't and shot the elite before he could shoot me. I blinked and got up. Another swarm of Covenant forces had come along. Great.

I got into cover before joining the fight and firing at any enemy seen. They were as easy as last time. They only slowed us down. We killed the rest of them before continuing. I noticed that we were moving at a faster pace. I wonder why, but I doubt I'll find out.

I kept an eye out for snipers this time. I began to notice the wall were separating making the passage larger. I'm guessing we are coming up to another field or something. We finally turned another corner. And heck yeah, I was right! Bad part: there was a big ass scarab in the center of the place. Just wonderful.

The scarab quickly noticed us and fired at us. We took cover before it could hit us. I moved around the perimeter of the field and analyzed the area. There was plenty of Covenant forces. They had a lot of ghosts and a handful of wraiths. Other than that, the rest of the enemies were on foot.

Maybe I could grab a ghost from an elite or grunt. I looked to see that Fred had already thought of that idea and was kicking a grunt off of a ghost before getting on. I looked for a near by ghost. After spotting one I ran at it, dodging bullets as I do so. The grunt was easy to thrown off before I slid into the ghost and sped off.

It was easy to figure out the controls for the ghost and I was off. I fired at other ghosts, but my ghost was starting to smoke. I decided to race a near by ghost. Once I was close enough, I jumped off my ghost before hitting the elite off the other and slid into the seat. It went smoother than I would have thought, but I had no time to celebrate. I starting speeding around, trying to take out enemies.

I noticed Fred's ghost had exploded and he was knocked onto the ground. I raced to his aid and got off my ghost. I stood in front of him at his stood. I hadn't realized the scarab was right above us till this very moment, which was a little late. The scarab tried to bring its pointy leg down on us. I quickly pushed Fred out of the way. I raised a arm to cover my face, enough though I doubt my arm would do anything to that.

But the pointy leg never stabbed into me. I looked up to see that I had glitched it. It melted into pixels before disappearing into nothing. My head start to ache again. I used a lot of energy for that. I quickly got out of the way as it collapsed. Chief jumped on and took out its core. I knew what was to happen next and got away from the scarab before it exploded.

I panted and held my head. I could feel my heartbeat inside my head. It was loud and clear. "Hey, you alright?" Fred asks me.

"Yeah, my head just hurts and I don't even know why." I pause. "Er, well I think I do. I'm just not sure." I tell him.

"Then what do you thinks happening?" He looks at the destroyed scarab.

"I think it's because of the amount of energy I'm using." He looks at me and I can almost see him frowning. "Like when I glitch myself and other things. I have to focus to do that, so I think that's why my head hurts."

He nods. "That would make sense, since you just destroyed that scarab's leg."

"Yeah, I guess." I huff.

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