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Raegan and I were in the car going to pick the girls up, he drove while I was texting Autumn

Autumn : I'm kinda scared

Me: whys that?

Autumn: I've never drunk or done drugs...

Me: dont worry I won't pressure you to do anything

Autumn: okay good, you guys should hurry up

Me: were outside now

I look at her door, Lucy comes out first and then Autumn, Lucy is wearing an all in one suit with flowers on it and Autumn wearing high waisted ripped jeans and a long black sleeve top, they are pretty much wearing complete opposites

Raegan and I get out and greet them, Autumn and I sat in the back and Lucy and Raegan in the front

I turn to look at autumn, she is looking out the window "whatcha thinking" I say tapping her on the shoulder and she jumps, why?
"Oh sorry, I was daydreaming and you scared me... nothing" she smiles back but it really looked like a fake smile


We arrive at the party, there was maybe 50 people there already and the smell of alcohol is already consuming me

We get out from the car, Raegan and Lucy are already inside, suddenly I feel a warm touch on my hand, it's Autumn holding my hand... her touch is so soft and gentle, the spaces in between my fingers fit perfectly with hers, I brush it off like it's no big deal but really, I'm trying not to be so cliche but it feels like fireworks setting off in the middle of us

"You ready to go in?" I question her and she nods, we head inside and I swear by the end of the night the music is going to make us deaf


Raegan comes up and takes Justin away from me to do some shots, great... the smell and the noise is killing me. I make my  way to the front door and just sit outside and think for a little bit until it was brutally interrupted

"Awe little loner slut is left alone" I look up, it's Abby and Nadine. Fuck.

"Please, you guys did enough to me" I say going to stand up but they put me back down into my sit

"No way! We went easy on you, plus this time... we brang our boss..." I look over to my left and a really massive guy comes out and stands in the middle of them.
"I'm Mike" he cracks his knuckles. Is dude about throw hands?... at a fucking girl?! This school is so fucked up "come with us freak" Nadine demands, "please no, I just want to hang out with my friends" I say walking back "where the fuck are they then?" Mike giggles and Abby grabs my wrists and they drag me to the side of the house where no one was

They start. First Nadine punches me in the stomach, Then Abby pulls my hair and save best for last mike kicks me in the ribs but on the other side to my first one, Mike hurt more then anything I fell to the ground hugging my knees and sobbing until I couldn't breath

They went away and I stood up limping, I've got to get out of here, as we were driving here I saw a park down the rode

I look around, slowly, tiredly, before sitting myself on the swing.

I am too tired to push off, too tired to breath, so I sit there quietly... well my phone vibrates

Raegan: where did you go?

I ignore the text, I'm so lost in my thoughts that I couldn't even hear the footsteps approaching me. I do not hear the crack of the swing next to me. I do not hear anything until a warm voice cuts through the clouds in my head

"Aren't you cold?"

My head snaps up, so fast that the colours swirls in my vision, I have to clench my fists from falling off the swing

Sitting next to me, legs kicking back and forth, is the most handsome person I have ever met. I can not help but stare, he has dark, floppy hair and cold snowflake skin. And he stares at me, crooked smile on his pink lips. He looks at me calmly with the most beautiful eyes, his eyes held the stars

"Um, I guess so?"

At this, he shakes his head and hops of the creaky old swing, making his way over to where I am. With a fluid movement, he shrugged off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders and roses bloom over my cheeks

"My names Ryan Stalvey, pleasure to meet you"

I wrap my arms around myself to stop shivering

"A-autumn. My name is Autumn"

At this, he smiles a most widest smile, something sweet and all sorts of warm

"What are you doing out here on a cold night like this?" He says, settling back down on his own swing, looking at me in interest as he swings his legs back and forth, arms wrapped around the chains.

I pause for a minute "Thinking."

"That's dangerous"

I laugh, but since the girls beat me up the first time it has been sounding, a little empty. My eyes find his

"Are you okay?" He questions

"I'm not gonna lie... no"

"You can tell me, I won't tell a soul"

I decided to tell him everything, EVERYTHING. About my mum, justin and Raegan, the girls and the boy who bet me up

"Oh my god autumn, I can't imagine what it's like"
"Do you have somewhere to be?"

"I guess"

With an excited smile he hops off his swing "great, I'll walk you there"

"Oh, you don't have to." His shakes his head and offers me his hand. "Oh no I insist" his smiles, I know my eyes must be the size of the moon and my cheeks just as red, but I take his offered hand.

He walks me back to the party, hanging back slightly, as if he knows I know my way better than he does. He talks the whole time. He is one of those people that you could just listen to for hours and hours and not grow bored. When we arrive at the house doors, I shrug off his jacket and hand it back to him. And he gives me a crooked smile.

"Well it was super cool, and if the teenagers hurt you again... call me" he says pulling out his iPhone and I do the same and we exchange numbers

I briefly go through his contacts, he has loads! At least over 100, the only people I have is dad, Justin, Raegan and Lucy. He probably thinks I'm a freak too


1131 words

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