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Autumn (still in the flashback)

Justin and I have been in Seattle for 2 weeks now and it's so amazing, so far we have done mini golfing, bowling and much more.  Tonight we are going to this hiking track to watch the sunset

"You ready?" Justin questions throwing me a water bottle

"Yeah let's go"I chuck my hair up in a bun

"We are almost there" I say looking at map

"Good because I don't know how much of this I can take" he stops and so do I. He pulls his shirt over his head and grabs his water bottle and pores it all over his body

"Oh my god, your such a dork" I giggle playfully punching his arm

We continue to walk up until the top

"We're here!" He yells and I giggle

We sit at this bench and just watch the sun go down. All the colours mixing together is truly magnificent. All the blues, purples, pinks, oranges almost like a rainbow in the sky

I turn to Justin, we both lean in to give each other a passionate kiss

My phone rings, an unknown number

A- Autumn   U- Unknown

A- hello?

U- hi, this is Kim again from the hospital just to let you know your father is going well and should be out of the hospital in a week

A- oh I think you have got the number sorry

U- this is Autumn Waters? We left the message with you boyfriend. Did he not tell you?

A- no he did not, I'm actually out of town at the moment but it looks that I have to cut it off early

I hang up and glare at Justin

"How fucking could you not tell me that my dad was in hospital" I shove him

"You were having so much fun I didn't want to ruin the moment" I can't fucking believe the bullshit that is coming from his mouth right now

"I'm leaving" I get up but he grabs ahold of my wrist, I try to break free but his grip is too strong

"Don't fucking touch me" I break free and walk down the whole track bawling my eyes out. How could he not tell me

I call an Uber to take me back to the hotel so I can get my stuff and go back home

While I was in the Uber I text Justin with my shaky hands

Me: were over.

I drip a tear on my phone

Back to the present

"I don't care!" I yell in his face for like the millionth time

"Just listen to me" he slaps me in the face, my jaw dropped I crease my hand across my left cheek can already feel the hotness and pink on it. Justin opens his mouth, he tries to move towards me again

"I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean t-" he was cut off by the door bell

I open it and it was the building security "I'm sorry but I couldn't help but hearing the yelling and screaming, is this man bothering you?" He looks at me

"Indeed he is" I shut, Justin looks at me with puppy dog eyes but I swear I can feel steam for my ears from anger

The man escorts Justin outside. I go back into the living room and bawl my eyes out, I wish I never told him where I live. He has never been violent before, I'm not scared I'm just surprised. I don't even understand why I am crying, I don't love him anymore, I don't miss him anymore. I think I just got so excited at the fact he might have been Lucy. Oh god I do miss her though

I know this chapter is really crappy but I don't know when I'll be in wifi yet so here ya goooo

Any questions or concerns

Message me on Instagram @ MollyKate.xoxo

657 words

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