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It's been a year since Raegan died,

A year since I have seen Autumn,

A year since I have talked to Lucy,

A year since my happiness ended and hasn't been seen since..


Lucy, Autumn and I laying on my couch, watching 'pitch perfect 2'. Raegan couldn't make it because he was driving to Maryland to see his family, he had only just left about an hour ago.

I see at the corner of my eye, Lucy's phone brights up and the number is undefined

"Yo Lucy, your getting a call from a random number" I point to her phone. Autumn and I stare at Lucy as she picks up the phone. I heard mumbles coming from the person on the line but it wasn't very clear.

"Yes, this is Lucy speaking.." she follows with another mumble from the other person

"Oh my god, is he okay?!" Autumn and I instantly stare at each other in confusment, then turn to Lucy who has a very shocked look on her face and her right hand to her mouth

"Yes, I'm on my way!" Lucy declined the call and shoots up

"What's happened" Autumn questions Lucy's emotion

"Raegan has been in a car accident, we need to go to the hospital now, like right now!" We all rush to put our shoes on and grab our phones. The girls snatch their handbags and I achieve my wallet and keys, before we know it we are in the car practically speeding to the hospital, Autumn is sitting in the back seat with Lucy trying to calm her from her panic attack.

We run down the halls to the ICU, Autumn goes to the lady at the front desk "could we please see Raegan Beast" the woman stands up, walked around her desk "Yes, right this way. But please be aware that he is in critical condition, he doesn't look the best at all, probably one of the worst cases we have seen so please brace yourself" we walk down a long hallway

Autumn comes besides me and holds my hand for dear life, I'm terrified. Raegan is my best friend. What if he doesn't make it? I don't know what I would do without him. What about Lucy? She will be devastated. I mean, I can remember what I was like with Autumn being in hospital. I can't imagine what she is thinking.

The woman opens the door to a patient's room , there laid a boy where a neck brace around him, a cast on his left arm, I giant bandage on his right leg. A huge slash from his eyebrow to his ear, A gas mask on.That isn't Raegan, that's not the guy I know who used to fight through anything and everything.

Autumn and Lucy instantly burst into tears and I shed a single tear. I have no emotion to go along with it. He is just laying there, eyes closed, looking peaceful as ever.

Lucy runs beside him, hold his hand and rests her head on him and continues to cry. Autumn is staring at me, she can see the pain in my eyes. She holds me tight and I just fall to the floor, dragging her down with me. She digs her head into my shoulder and I wrap my arms around her and hold her so tightly I think I'm about to break her.

"I'm sorry, but there is more bad news I am meant to tell you..." we all turn to look at the lady, "he doesn't have much longer, maybe an hour before his lungs give up. His father is on his way from Maryland but he won't make it back in time. So I would suggest you say goodbye, I'll give you kids some alone time" she slowly exits from the room and shuts the door behind her

"Why, why him? He didn't deserve this" Autumn whimpers holding my shirt

"I don't know babe, maybe we should leave Lucy for a bit to say goodbye" I wipe her tear away and pick her up and stand ourselves up, I walk over to Lucy and pat her shoulder

"Thank you." The only thing she says before turning back to put all her mindset and attention onto Raegan

I lead Autumn out in the hallway and we sit down up against the wall, Autumn lays her head on my shoulder. She grabs ahold of my hand, I hold her.

"How the hell can everything turn so bad so dam quickly" I complain, shedding a tear again

"I wish I knew" she answers back to me, she turn to look me in the eye "Justin, I know you love Raegan so much, I don't know how close you two were before I came but I'm going to guess really fucking close. He meant a lot to you... didn't he?" I nod.

"If you love him that much, you gotta to let him go.." she holds me, tighter than ever. I don't know what to say or do.

I hear the door open, and see Lucy walking out, crossing her arms, mascara running down her face. Before Autumn could get to her, I hugged her. And for a while too, she released "you too can go in now, I need to go for a walk and I'll be right back" she walks past us and down the hallway towards the exit.

We walk in, we both sit down. Autumn says what she wants to see which i couldn't even pay attention to. I suddenly hear silence, she is looking at me.

I start "Rae, you don't understand how much I'm gonna miss you bro, you were basically my brother. My family.Hung out everyday, you are the most best friend anyone could ask for, you could have been anyone's friend. But you chose me. The weird,geeky,goth boy. But look at us now. I never thought I would be saying goodbye to you... always thought that we were gonna go to university together, share a dorm and I was hoping you would be in my future for a long time" I start to breakdown "but I know that the dream has been shipped off and sailed. Not coming back" Autumn holds my hand. "You were one funny motherfucker, always cheering me up even if that's means greeting me black out drunk, I guess all I can say now is... goodbye " I let go of Autumns hand and hold Raegan. Autumn runs her fingers through my hair which doesn't make me feel any better

A few minutes go by, I still continue to hide my face in my knees. Autumn is sat by the windows watching the fall leaves drift from the trees outside

I stand up, I decide to head to the bathroom and look at my reflection, my whole face is red, blood shut eyes. I run the cold water, lay my hands under and splash the water to my face. I take a deep breath in and out. Out of nowhere I hear beeping, but it's not the normal continuing beeping I've been hearing for half an hour, a flat line. Oh fuck...

I run back into the room, Autumn is beside Raegan bawling. Before I know it, multiple nurses and doctors rush in. Three of the men push his bed out, one of the nurses run the machine off. The lady that introduced us to see Raegan stood in the middle of the room.
"I'm sorry, he is gone."

Justin Blake (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now