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I feel my head throbbing, my heart beating like crazy, everything hurts ten times worse than the usual beat ups they normally do

I feel my eyes flutter, I haven't opened them yet but I can hear sounds. Beeping, sobbing. Who is crying? Where am I?

I flutter my eyes open, it takes me awhile for my eyes to adjust to the bright light but when they do, I can see that I'm in a hospital room, I see a drip in my right hand, a monitor on my finger. I continue to hear sobbing, I look to my left to see a boy hurried his head in his knees

"J-Justin?" I let out a whimper. His head shoots up, tears down his face "autumn!" He holds my free hand "what did they do to you?!" Fuck he knows, I see the door open. It's ryan

"I got us two coffee-" he sees that I'm awake "autumn, your awake!"

"How long have I been asleep for?" I can see at the corner of my eye, Justin still hasn't blinked. "2 days" Ryan walks over and sits on the end of the bed

"How did you find me ryan"

"You said to meet at the benches, I was a little late and when I came I saw you on the ground, blood streaming out of your head and stomach. I immediately called 911-"

Justin cuts Ryan off "they said you were gonna die, after you were knocked out they continued to hurt you. You lost a lot of blood. They kicked your ribs in which caused a lot of problems in your lungs" I feel my face and feel one of those tube things that go in your nose

"Why aren't I in that much pain?" I cough up blood and Justin wipes it away.. " a fuck ton of pain killers" ryan says

Justin looks terrible, I can tell he hasn't slept in days. He also looks scared

"Justin come and lay next to me" I move over and pat the free side of the bed

"No, I don't want to hurt you" he moves back

"Justin, I'm fine. Please" he backs down and hold up on the bed, he gets under the blanket with me. He grabs my free hand and holds it tight with his two hands "I thought I was going to lose you" he kisses my hand

I rest my head on his shoulder and I see a drop on his shirt, he is crying again. I turn to look at him and I hug him without trying to hurt myself "awe Justin, I'm okay now"

"I love you autumn" he lets out, I wipe away his tears " I love you too"

I see that a nurse called out ryan in the hallway to talk, Justin turns to me "when were you gonna tell me about the girls"

"I don't know, I didn't want you to worr-"

"How long? How long has it been going on for?"

"Since the night of the summer party" I feel so terrible

"I wish I known"

I hug Justin again and I try to sit up in front of him and he does the same "next time something happens like this, promise me and I mean fucking promise you'll tell me?" He seemed pretty serious, I nod


"And I mean fucking promise me you'll tell me?" I really don't want to see her like this, I knew something was up ever since that party She started pushing me away and this is why.

I need to tell her, tell her how I feel

I hold her chin up "look autumn... I love you, and I mean it. Whenever your not with me I feel so alone and every time we cuddle or that time where we danced in the kitchen is when I'm the most happiest. And I know you won't feel the same as I do because I know your into Ryan" I let it all out

"Justin. I'm not into ryan... I'm into you. I've always liked you"

I grab her cheeks and pull her in, our lips smashed together slowly but passionately. I can feel her smile through the kiss which I found so adorable...Finally I've been waiting for this for long so.

After a few seconds I pull away, we are both blushing like crazy

"Justin drew blake?" She says

"Yes, Autumn waters?" I say back

"I love you" I've been waiting for her to say that for so long and I can't believe we just kissed

"I love you more" we both smile

A nurse and ryan walk back in destroying the moment

"Sorry to interrupt but it's time to take your medication Autumn" the nurse hands her 4 pills. After she takes them we lay back

Ryan stands up and stands by the door "I've got to go, I have school tomorrow and my mum is calling me for dinner. Night guys"

I look at the time 6:47pm

"Want to go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat?" I suggest

"Uhhh how?" I point over to the wheelchair in the corner "the nurse said you can use it because your not going to be walking for a while

"I'm gonna look like a old person" I giggle

I roll her down to the cafeteria and we get some food, and come back to her room

I wonder how long she has to be here to get better


922 words

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