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I woke up in my bed, remembering I walked home with Justin, I felt completely fine since I didn't drink the whole night, other than the bruises planted all over my chest and stomach

Justin is probably alone and hungover so I think I should accompany him and take care of him today, I quickly took a shower and it really hurt, I bandage my body again and quickly ate breakfast and did all the useful morning prepping things, then I headed over to Justin's with some food I made a few days before

I knock on the door and a really sick looking Justin with a blanket wrapped around him opened the door

"Awe poor Justin" I hug him and he hugs back

"Why don't you look hungover?" He asks, crap I told him I drank some, "umm... I guess the makeup covered it up" I shrugged and he let me inside

"I'm so hungry, are you?" He questions me like it's a question, like come one I'm always hungry. I nod and he comes up wit an idea "want to make some pancakes together?" I argued "at 1 in the afternoon?" I counted he nods and we head over to his kitchen

Justin seemed sick but when he put music on he was dances a few times, after a while of flipping pancakes "thinking out loud" came on his speakers, he put the pancake on the plate and suddenly spun me around and somehow we ended up in the living room dancing, now his hands are at my waist and mine are around his neck, "take me into your loving arms" he sings "kiss me under a light of a thousand stars" I continue, we continued to be idiots and dance until the song ended, which obviously really hurt my ribs "ready to have some pancakes?" I jump up onto his kitchen island and he grabs a hold of the two plates full of pancakes "hell yeah, what do you have on yours?" He asks "I ideally have Nutella but everyone thinks Its weird" I hop off and take my plate, "me too, Damon thinks I'm weird" he obtains the Nutella

(Time skip)

Justin and I went up stairs into his room "sorry about the mess, Danny sometimes comes in here and does his cosplays with wigs and stuff"

"No it's fine, I've seen some of his cosplays on Instagram, they are pretty amazing" I preach sitting on the end of his bed and began to eat the pancakes, Justin seats next to me but with his legs crossed facing me then I move and do the same

"Where did you go last night, no one could find you. We texted and called so many times" he finished his pancake and put his plate on his bedside table and face back to me again

"Oh sorry if I worried you, I-I just got a headache from the noise so I went to the park for a while until it went away" i hated lying to him but at the same time I'm half telling the truth about the park

"It's fine, did you even check your phone"? He asks moving closer and pointing to my pocket

"No, no I haven't. The last time I went on it was just before the party, I pull out from inside my pocket and click the home button

4 missed calls from 'Lucy'
7 missed calls from 'Jay'
2 missed calls from 'Rae'
1 missed calls from 'Ryan'

"Ryan? Who's that?" He asked grabbing a hold of my phone, "oh, just a guy I met last night at the party" I lie. Again. "Oh okay, I don't know a 'Ryan' " he gives back my phone and I finish my pancakes and stack my plate on top of Justin's

"Want to watch a movie?" He offers and I nod, he turns on his television and clicks Netflix, "what sort of movies are you into?" He asks turning back to me "Horror, mostly" he scrolls through the horror sections and picks 'American Horror Story'

"Ill be right back" he jumps up and I wait for not even a minute and he comes back with a pile of blankets "what's all this?" I smile and stand up "well we're gonna snuggle aren't we?" He grins starting to pile blankets


Not even a quarter way through the movie he has already managed to put his arm around me, I went along with it and rested my head on his shoulder

(Time skip)


I look down at autumn and she has her face nestled into my chest asleep, I reach over and grab my phone without waking her and the time was 9:42pm

I lay down trying not to awaken her and look down at her, she is holding on my shirt for her life and I think it's adorable, she looked so peaceful. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep


826 words

Justin Blake (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now