《 chapter 2 : new friends 》

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Wendy's pov:
{Skip to break time}

When I just about to go out from the class, the boy suddenly hold my hands harshly until I turn to him.

"W-what do you want?" I stuttered
"Your a new student here right?"
"N-nae" I stuttered again
"Why are you stuttering,are you scared of me huh?" He smirked
"When did I" I lied
"Whatever.See you later girl oops I mean my new seatmate " he smirked again

He go away after finishing his sentence. I don't know why am I feeling so weak towards him and i felt something different that I can't describe the feeling. I am just so confused.

I go to the staffroom as ms.Kim want to see me.


*knock* *knock*

I go inside the staffroom and search for her table. And I saw yoongi was there beside ms.Kim. I was so surprised to see him there but I act normal. I straightaway go to our teacher's table.

"Why do you want to see me ms.Kim?"
"Ah here you are, yoongi will bring you to walk around the school so that you could familiar with this school"

I gulped

"With him?" I asked
"Yes because he is your seatmate"
"Ah nae"
"Wae? Is there any problem?"
"No,there's no problem" i give a little smile
"Let's go now before its time for the next class" yoongi said
"Yes, you both should go now" ms.Kim said
"Nae" both of us said at the same time

As I go out from the staffroom, i could see that the boy smirking at me which make me feel uncomfortable. At that time,

"You go by your ownself"
"I said you go by your ownself"
"Aren't ms.Kim asked you to bring me?"
"Why would I follow what she said? It's just wasting my time"
"How could I know the way?"
"You have eyes and legs so there's no problem for you to walk duh"
"Its better to sleep than wasting my time for a girl like you"
"For a girl like me? What's wrong with me?" I asked but at the same time i feel afraid
"You know what? Your so ugly and what's with your tone,shy and quite type ugh. I hate this type of girls when they are around the boys like all the other girls in the school. Annoying"

My heart ache a lot and i feel sad rather than mad when he say that to me. I almost cry infront of him but I stay strong and just go away leaving him behind. I don't know why am I like this. It hurts a lot

I don't know where am I, suddenly 4 girls infront of me stopped my way.

"Your the new transfer girl right?" The girl in pink hair said
"What are you doing here?" The other girl in yellow hair asked
"Actually im lost, i don't know where am i"
"Then follow us if you want" they all said

They brought me to one place which seems like the canteen.

"Here is our school's canteen"
"Ah nae thank you"

"Here are our table, no one can disturb this table as this is ours" the tall girl said
"Do you guys mind if i join you all?"
"Sure let's take our food tray first"

"This is our first time having someone else eating in the same table as us" the tall girl said
"Yeah" the other 3 girls said
"Don't you wonder why no one dare to eat in our table? The purple hair girl said
"Ah actually..."

When I just about to say, the girl in purple hair said

"Let me tell u, we are the famous girl students so that's why no one dare to touch this table"
"woah" I'm amazed
"And yes your the first student that we invite to sit with us"
"It's an honour for me to sit with the famous student"
"Ahahaha actually we thought that we want you as our 5th members"
"Me? What? Why?"
"Yes you because you are different from all other girls"
"Why? Don't you want to become famous?"
"It's not that but.."
"We'll give you time to think so don't worry" - the girl in pink hair said

"Oh yeah, we forget to introduce each other"
"The girl in pink hair is our leader, bae joohyun known as Irene"
"The one in yellow hair is kang seulgi, known as seulgi"
"The one in green hair aka the tallest one that u could tell is park sooyoung known as joy"
"And last, me in the purple hair is Kim yerim,known as yeri"
"And that, we are red velvet"
"What about you?"
"I'm son seungwan known as wendy in canada"
"Woah ur from Canada?"
"I was born in Korea but I moved to Canada when i was 5"
"I see"

"Oh there the boys are"
"Ya!" Joy called them
"Oh hi girls" the boy with the rectangular box smile said
"Who is she?" The boys pointed to me that make me feel awkward
"ah she's gonna join our group soon"
"Oh hello there"
"Hello" I said
"We're bts, the famous boy students in this school"
"Ah nae"
"Let me introduce ourself"
"I'm the leader, namjoon known as rap monster, beside me is jin and the others there are hoseok known as jhope, jimin, taehyung known as v, jungkook and the last one there are yoongi known as suga. So the total of 7 members known as bts"
"Bts? Behind the scene?"

The girls laugh while I'm confused
"Every new student always thought the same as u but actually it means bangtanboys bulletproof"
"Ah nae im sorry"
"Nah it's okay, it's normal already"

I actually wasn't paying attention when they were introducing themselves.

They sat down in the table next to us but I realise that someone kept looking at me and i was shocked. It was actually yoongi, my seatmate aka the cold type of person. Why was he there? Why is he sitting with them and i suddenly remember that when he call yoongi as suga. Ahhh he's one of the members of them. Aish but he's so different from the other members.

Author's note:
So here is the chapter 2 for you all. I'm not sure if this chapter was okay but I hope you enjoyed. And if u guys don't mind to vote and comment in this chapter! It means a lot if u guys do :)

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