《 chapter 20 : friends 》

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Author's pov

"Wendy noonaaaaa good morninggggg" bambam said from a far and run towards her cheerfully.

The girls turned their head towards him and the other 6 members. The girls stop walking and look at the other member who's with Jinyoung, Mark and Youngjae. They're confused.

"Good morning" greet the other members. While they are talking with Red Velvet, BTS is on their way to meet them.

Noises started to filled the school hall way as the three group are on the hall way. Got7 become more famous as soon as they entered the school.

Now they are facing each other while no one spoke up yet. Until taehyung started the conversation.

"Umm good morning"  everyone just smiled toward each other. Luckily the tense and the awkward atmosphere is getting lesser.

"Oh jungkook?" Yugyeom spoke up while looking to jungkook. They both seem shocked.

"Yugyeom? Oh bambam!" Exclaimed jungkook cheerfully. "Wait why are u guys here? Did i miss anything yesterday while I'm gone?"

"We're the new transferred student here" said bambam

"Really? What class?"

"I'm in class B and yugyeom is in class A" sighed bambam while explaining.

"Oh same as me! I'm in class A too so we're classmate. Yeah yugyeom!" He raised up his hand to high five with yugyeom and he did the same thing too.

Bambam sighed again. "Class A is fun as i could see" he said.

"Why what's wrong bam?"

"I mean like wendy noona is in class A and now u too.. u guys must be fun to be classmates" he replied.

"As if u won't be able to see them during breaktime and dismissal.."

The rest was just listening and laugh. Finally no more awkward atmosphere between all of them.


"Wen!" Mark accidentally shouted her name and all attention in the class turned to him. Wendy cover her face in embarrassment.

"Let's go the park later...it's been a while since we're hanging out" he said joyfully.

He heard them both talking.

"You can just tell me when we sit on our place"

"Right we're seatmate. Gosh how can i forgot? Anyway let's go okay?"

She chuckled at his cuteness and nodded her head.

Throwback to first day of school

"Mark where are you going? Aren't we supposed to go somewhere?" Asked wendy in confusion.

"I need to go to the staffroom for something. See you there and you can go with the others right? I asked them to accompany u to go there. I won't let you go alone." As always Mark spoiling Wendy.

He cared for her a lot until his feeling grow day by day but she didn't seem to noticed it nor feeling the same way. She just thought him as a bestfriend. No more than that and now that she love someone else.

Min yoongi... the guy that stole her heart.

"Wendy. I have a good news!" Said mark while running towards her direction.

"What is it? Wait did u just run from school to here? Why?"

"We are now seatmate! I ask the teacher for her permission and she let me. So ur going to have 2 seatmates from now on. I will protect u from now on..." he said happily. Wendy is happy but there's something that feels different inside her heart.

She felt guilty for no reason. But still she's happy.

End of throwback.

"So that guy is the one that u like?" She nodded her head. He felt jealous and upset at the same time but had no choice to support her decision. He want the best for her. 

He can't force her to like him back. If he confess to her, they might not be friends anymore because of the awkwardness.

But that's the best. Atleast she didn't avoid him or feel uncomfortable around him. He want that. He didn't want to be apart with her even for a while because of him.

"Mark... mark!" She shake his shoulder making him awake from his thought.

"Yes?" He asked. "Do u hear me? I've been explaining but your keep on dreaming. Anything wrong?" She asked, staring straight at his eyes.

'Her mesmerizing eyes who can attract all men. He really like her eyes. How can that guy not fall for her and even worse, rejecting my wendy?' Thought Mark.

His heart starts to boiling to remembered what Wendy said about Suga rejecting her. He won't forgive him if he make Wendy sad one more time. He give him a chance.

'I'll give you one last chance' he said to himself.

"are you okay? U have been silent since just now.." asked her once again and looked at his eyes which making an eye contact with him.

His heart beat like crazy. 'No Mark. You can't like her. She loves someone else' he said to his heart.

"U-uh? I-I'm fine Wendy ah" why am i stuttering? Aish embarassing. He thought.


"Let's go now? My members are waiting for me at the dorm.." she said to him. He nodded his head.

"I'm heading back to the house. I didn't stay at the dorm. Since it's near the school so yeah"

"Ur living alone or with ur parents?"

"I lived with my members. My parents gave me permission and oh they're be here next month so if u could visit them? I'm sure they miss you so much ........like i do" he said and lowering his voice at the last part.

"I would love to. I miss them like it's been a while since i met them. Bring me okay?" She said excitedly and put her hand on his shoulder.

He nodded and started to walk side by side to the school. He chuckled silently without wendy realize.

I wish u don't like him Wendy ah...

Another update! Im sorry if the story is getting worse but thank you for still reading this book.

So i will be making a new book coming soon and it's about markdy. So if u ship Markdy then mind to read?

That's all. Don't worry I'll update this book too while working with the new one.

Have a good day!

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