《 chapter 5 : new member 》

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Wendy's pov:

"Oh your awake Wendy ah" irene unnie said

"Nae unnie"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm preparing breakfast for everyone"

"Woah, i guess we pick the right member for this group" i giggled

"Is there anything that I could help?"

"Nothing,just go take a shower since I already took a shower just now"

"Your so fast. Alright then" irene unnie said

I decided to try not to crying in front of the girls. And I don't know how to face him later at school. It must be awkward and now I'm joining Red Velvet.

He must be pissed of me if he knew.

But I wonder, why can't I joined red velvet? Is there anything that I don't know? Or is there anything happen in the past that I don't know?

"Wendy ah, what are you doing?" Seulgi said while yawning

"Oh. I'm preparing breakfast for everyone"

"Woah, you can cook?"

"Of course" I laugh

"What else can you do?"

"Later I told you with the girls and now go wake up the two maknae"

"Alright" she pouted

I giggled

"Wendy ah"

"Oh unnie. Your done?"


"Now breakfast are done, I'll go change myself"

"You did a great job Wendy ah"

I smiled


"Woah what smell is this"

"It smells delicious" the two maknaes exclaimed

"Come sit down or we'll gonna be late for school"

"Who did this? I doubt it's irene unnie since it's different" yeri said

"It's Wendy" irene unnie said

"Woah, Wendy unnie can cook?"

"Yes for the second time" I laugh

"Now let's eat"



"Let's go girls" irene unnie said

"Nae unnie"

Five of us go straight to our class. I took a deep breath before entering the class. I wish I could change my seatmate.

"Wendy ah, come on" seulgi said

"Ah nae"

I walked inside the class and i couldn't see yoongi. I felt relieved

Fortunately, five of us seat not far away from each other. Seulgi sitted next to our table and the others are infront of us.

I don't understand why must all the sit is girl-boy. I wish we could choose freely.

Soon not long after, i could hear the sound of noise outside of our class. All of us know that the sound of noise mean that BTS are arrived.

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