《 chapter 8 : confession 2 》

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Wendy's pov:

It's Friday and we have to woke up for school. Soon not long after, the rest of the members wake up and started to prepared for school.

After half an hour, we are done. Five of us go to the school together. As usual, the cheers from the boys every morning everytime we arrived. It felt like were in army place. Some of them keeps on giving chocolate and letters.

We couldn't say no to them and gladly accept them.

Not too long after we entered the school building, we could heard the girls screamed and such. We knew that the shout means that the boys have arrived. We decided to wait for them and entered the class together.

"Hi girls"
"Hi boys"

I could see smirking suga. "It's going to be a tiring day today". I mumbled to myself

"Seulgi,meet me on the garden later during breaktime" said jimin.

I saw her blusing and started to tease her.

"Congrats seul"

"For what wen?"

I just smirked.

Our teacher entered the class just on time.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning ms.kim"

We started the lesson.

I couldn't focus on ms.kim's lesson as suga keeps on disturbing me. He play with my hair and soon to pull it make me scream and the entire class starts to give attention towards me at the back.

Ms.kim and the rest of the class didn't notice it since i sat at the back row.

"Is there anything wrong wendy?"

"No. Nothing ms.kim"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure" i gave her a fake smile.

I turned to my right to see smirk suga.He's so mean but that didn't stop me to fall for him. Atleast he didn't ignore me. I comfort myself.

{Skips to breaktime}

Four of us decided to go to the canteen leaving seulgi behind as she told us to do so.

We could see that the boys giggling and went towards us.

"Girls, you guys should watch jimin propose to seulgi"

"Um. Let's go" irene said

All 10 of us secretly staring at two of them who were alone sitting on the bench.

Suddenly, jimin down on his knee and took out a small box make us the girls squeled.

"Kang seulgi, would you be my girlfriend?"

The rest of us look at them in awe.

"Park jimin"


"I do"

"What? Oh what really??"

"Yes pabo"

"Omg thank you"

She just smiled.

All of us entered the garden and clap our hands make both of them shock and surprised.

"Congrats guys"

"Stay longer"

"Wish u both the best"

"Finally, the second ships are sailing"

"Who's next?"

Both of them blushed and thank us.

Irene's pov:

I envied both of them. When will i get one?

I look at v who's smiling at them and he noticed that i was looking at him and i straight away look away.

"Let's celebrate it tonight" jhope excitedly said

" 7 pm at my house" said jimin

All of us nodded.

Wendy's pov:

I turned my head to see irene unnie look a bit sad. I wondered. I go to her and asked her "are u alright unnie?"

"I'm fine wendy ah"

"Is there anything wrong?"


"Unnie, you know that I'm here to help u"

"Let's go somewhere else for a while"

"Guys, both of us are going to the restroom for a while and met u guys at the canteen" i said

"Alright. Dont be too long" said seulgi

I nodded.

I bring unnie to our hiding place. And i asked her again.

"Now tell me unnie"

"Actually i felt jealous of seulgi.. i want the same thing to happen to me"

I was surprised by her confession

"Do u like anyone unnie?" I asked

She nodded.



Another chapter for y'all. I hope this story is good. I'm sorry if there any grammar mistakes and such. And I'll appreciate it a lot if u guys vote and comment in this chapter. Thank you for reading ♡

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