《 chapter 4 : confession 》

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Wendy's pov:

I knocked the door.

"Oh your here seungwan ah" my mom exclaimed

"Nae eomma"

"Come in"

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at school"

"I came to see you all for a while since I won't be easily coming home as I stayed in the dorm from now on"

"Oh right. You should told me your coming home so I can prepare special dinner for you tonight" mom said

"It's okay mom, i come here only for a while"

"But your father and your sister hasn't come back yet"

"Really? It's okay then.. I can met you guys another time during holiday and i already met unnie just now"

"Really?Are you sure?"

"Nae, said hello to them from me"

"Alright alright. Let's sit"


My mom and I sit while talking with each other but actually I didn't even paying attention about what my mom saying. My heart is broken after what happen just now in the cafe with yoongi.


"But..but.. I think... I love you"

"You love me? What a joke"

"I'm saying the truth"

"How can you love me when we only just met"

I looked down not wanting to eye contact with him.

"Even so, do you think when you said that you love me can change my mind?" He said in a stern voice

I didn't said anything again and i just look at the ground floor.

"Why wasting my time on this kind of people"

*sigh* I could hear him sighing

"Whatever it is, you must not join red velvet. Understand?"

I didn't answer once again.

He sigh again and walk out from the cafe looking mad. My heart felt it's been teared apart and it's hurt so bad. I could understand eunseo unnie since this kind of things happen to her too last 3 years.

I called eunseo unnie to asked her come here. I was crying and when i remembered that unnie felt the same last 3 years ago make me even sadder.

"Oh seungwan ah, why are you crying?" Eunseo unnie asking worriedly

"Unnie" i cried

"Wae, what's wrong?"

"I finally understand how you felt"

"What are you talking about?"

"I got rejected"

She was shocked and straight away hug me

"Awh my dongsaeng is hurt.. it's okay seungwan ah, unnie is here for you and just let him go"

"But it's hard unnie" I cried harder

"Aigoo, stop crying seungwan ah.. you make unnie worried about you. We just move back to Korea and now I'm worried about you"


"What's wrong"

"Don't tell our parents please" I begged at her

"Alright. Don't worry and stop crying please. It make me sad that your crying"

I started to stop crying and hug her.

"Unnie, I'm scared I might felt lonely when I'm not staying at our house"

"Don't worry. You'll be fine in the dorm"

"Actually someone asked me to joined their group and they seem nice.. they are willing to help me"

"Then what did you said to them?"

"I said that I'll think about it"

"I think it's a good thing that you could made some friends in your new school"

"But they're the famous student in the school"

"Oh~ my dongsaeng will be famous"

I smiled

"Anyway I hope that your fine in the dorm and call me if anything happen and I'll always help and support you"

"Thank you so much unnie" I cried feeling happy

"Ay stop crying"

{End of flashback}


I go back to the dorm to see the girls busy chatting with each other

"Oh your back seungwan ah"


"I think I joined red velvet now" I said making the girls excited

"Really?? Yayy" yerim said


"Now let's introduce our self as the group"

"I'm irene and im the leader of this group and the eldest"

"I'm seulgi and I'm the second eldest here among four of us"

"I'm joy and I'm the second maknae"

"I'm myemim.. oh wait yeri!

Everyone giggled at her excitement that make her forgot her name

And im the maknae"

"Now your turn" seulgi said

"I'm Wendy and I'm 94 liner"

"Oh im 94 liner too!" Seulgi said in excited

"What day are you born?"

"I'm a February born"

"Me too!!" She said in shocked

"What day?" We both said at the same time"

"I'm on 10th"

"And im on 21st"

"Oh your 11 days younger than me"

"Woah" the three girls said

"Your our unnie then!" Joy and yeri exclaimed

"And you both are our dongsaeng" me,seulgi and irene unnie said while laughing

Author's note:
I'm back with chapter 4 for you all. I'm sorry if this chapter is boring for you. I'll try my best to update more better. And I appreciate it a lot if you guys can vote and comment what do you guys think about this chapter. Thank you for reading this ^^

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