《 chapter 16: The Spy 》

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Jimin's pov:

"Hyung I need to go now bye" i told to seokjin hyung who's busy preparing breakfast in early morning.

"Where did u go in this early morning? How about breakfast?" He stop cutting the ingredients and look at me.

'Don't tell the other members' the thought of Seulgi appeared on my mind.

"Ah u-um i want to meet up with seulgi" aishh why did i stuttered. Now he look at me confused. "How about breakfast?"

"I can eat later with Seulgi in the school's canteen or at the cafe near the school" i simply say.

Looks like he didn't suspect anything anymore. My heart felt relieved.

I wondered why did they want to met me in this early morning? I nearly being caught by seokjin hyung. I rarely woke up early and that's must be why hyung seem suspicious of me.

"Have fun with your girl" smirk hyung while shouting from the kitchen. I nodded my head and i rushed to the door to get out.


Wendy's pov:

"Where is he? He should be here by now" said joy. "Unnie try calling him" said yeri.

She was about to turning on her phone to search for jimin's number but then we saw him running his heart out looking so lethargic towards us.

"I'm sorry I'm late girls.. seokjin hyung keep on asking me this and that, that's why" he said in between his breath.

I could tell that he's running all the way from his dorm to here in the cafe near the school.

"It's okay.. have a seat there" i said pointing to the seat next to Seulgi.

He sit down and i decided to give him time to take his breath. I feel bad for him.. in this early morning he had to run here just because of me..

"I'm sorry for asking u to come here" i said while looking to the floor. "It's fine" he said and looks like he gain his energy back.

"By the way, why did u guys wanted to tell me and why must this be a secret from my members?" He asked.

"Okay first i need u to do me a favour but this is a secret so please don't tell anyone even ur members" he nodded his head.

"Actually i love suga.... and.... i want u to be my spy" he looked shocked but that's what I've expected of his reaction.

"Can u be our spy?" Asked irene unnie

He's quiet and i thought that he's disagree and i start to feel upset to think that i need to find another way to plan something up but then he nodded his head which means that he's agree.

I'm shocked that he easily agreed to our favour. Actually it's not that hard than what I've thought to asked for his help.

"But why i should be ur spy? I don't think it's a must since there's nothing wrong with him" he asked

"Last time me,irene unnie and joy saw suga with a girl alone in a room which in a quiet area and yesterday i saw him with a girl in his locker while....."

He looked at me waiting for my next word.


He chocked on his coffee. "He did that?" I nodded my head

"Who's that girl?" Asked jimin. I shrugged my shoulder "i don't know. She's not wearing our school uniform"

"It's okay wen noona, I'll help finding out about that girl.. don't worry" said Jimin.

I smiled. "Thank you so much jimin ah" i pat his head.

"No worries"

"If u dare to tell ur members, we'll break up" said Seulgi in her serious tone which make him shocked, disbelief with what she said.

"Don't worry i won't" he winked at Seulgi.

All of us smirked and tease both of them which make them blushing.

"Let's go now before we're late"

"Wait.. u'll go first, me and seulgi can go together after few mins you guys go"

"Why?" Asked yeri "because I tell seokjin hyung that i will met seulgi alone" all of us nodding our head understanding what he said.

"Then I'll suppose we'll go first.. take care u both" said Irene unnie.


Suga's pov

"Hyung" i turned to look at jimin who's standing a few feet away from me.

"What do u want" i said coldly. I'm not in a good mood after what had happen yesterday.


"Oppa" someone pat my back making me to turned to look to the owner of the voice when i saw the person that i hate the most and never wanted to see again.

"Why are u here?" I said coldly while glaring at her.

"I miss you and i want you back"

Before i could replied, she hugged me which i didn't expect. Not at all.

I broke the hug and almost slap her but she's a girl. I'm not that bad to hit a girl especially in school.

"What the f*ck are you doing"

"I'm back to this school.. i can meet u everyday" she said happily which make me shocked.

She's back..

End of flashback

"Are u okay hyung? U look pale" he said. "I'm fine" i lied.

I know that he wont fall for it. I could see the stare of disbelief in his eyes.

"You can tell me everything hyung.. you know that I'm reliable" he proudly said the word 'reliable'

"Follow me" i said in a low tone. Without any reply, we walked off to the rooftop rather than our secret place.

"What is it hyung?" He said not waiting patiently.

"Actually.... she's back.."

Curious much? Wait for the next chapter to know! HAHAHA I'm sorry if this story is getting boring. That's all, see you guys on the next chapter, wannies.

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