《 chapter 11 : new doctor? 》

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Wendy's pov:

It's Thursday and i need to go to school. 'Is it okay if I'm joining the competition?' I thought to myself

"What are u doing wendy ah?" Asked irene unnie

I was shocked when irene unnie hold my shoulder. Am i thinking too much?

"N-nae unnie?"

"What are u thinking about that u look so confused right now"

I didn't know what to say to her.

"Are u worried about the competition?"

I looked at her shocked as if she knows what's on my mind. She's indeed our leader.

"How do u know?"

"U don't have to worry about that. I'm sure u'll do well in the competition"

I stay silent.

"Let's go now to school"

I nodded


{At school hall}

The school hall is not loud as how usually would be.Five of us were wondering why is it so quiet today?

As five of us are on our way to the class, we saw that the notice board has been filled with a lot of people. People whispered with each other. Some of them we're hyper and some faces seem like they're curious of something.

Without wasting our time, five of us went to the notice board to see what's happening. All the other students moved backward making us to see it clear.

I looked up to see a paper being stick to the notice board which it seems new.

Not long after, bts entered the school's hall and make their way to us.

"What's happening here?" Asked rap mon. Irene unnie point her finger to the notice board that shows the paper.

"New doctor?" Asked jhope. All of them looked at each other and shrugged their shoulder confused.

"I wonder who is it" all of us nodded. "I hope it's a girl" said jungkook in excitement. "I wish it's a guy" squealed joy and yeri.

The bell rang and all of us and the other students rushing back to our respective classroom before we'll late.

{At class}

Luckily when we entered the class, ms.kim hasn't entered yet. The class is noisy for a while when ms.kim entered the class with a smile plastered on her face.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning ms.kim"

"I guess most of u might know this already but oh well, let me tell u again. As u can see, the school will have a new doctor. The doctor is one of the best among all doctors in this world. The doctor will start here by tomorrow morning"

"I'm sorry to interrupt u ms.kim but will the new doctor stays for a long time?" Asked minho

"Oh dear, I'm not sure about that yet but i heard that the new doctor will only stays for months to replace the old doctor for a while in this school as she's having a problem to settled" said ms.kim

Just the thought of who will be our new doctor appear on my mind. cant wait to see who is it.


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