《 chapter 3 : heartbroken 》

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Wendy's pov:

I was so awkward sitting with Red Velvet and Bts.. everyone is watching me while eating and i could see yoongi glaring at me. My heart beat goes faster.

"Seungwan ah,why are you so quiet?" Seulgi asked
"Nothing, its just that im not used to.."
"Right, i forgot that your the new student here"

I smiled

"It's okay, it's your first day here and we'll sure to help you" irene said
"Thank you guys!"
"We'll also can help you with anything,just tell us" rap monster said
"Thank you so much all of you" I'm thankful


The school's bell rang which means the breaktime is over and we goes back to our own class.

We head back to our respective class while walking together. We all are in the same class which is class A.

Let me tell you, class A is the class that full of famous students and well- known. Our president is Minho and our vice president is krystal. They both looks good together.

This class is the top class among others. Okay enough with the information.

Our teacher has come,

"Good morning mr.park "
"Morning, take out your book please"

"Ya" yoongi whisper to my ears that make me startled.
"Meet me up after school at 2 pm in xxx cafe"

I just nodded eventhough i felt scared with his serious tone.


School finally done, i have to go to staffroom since I don't know which room in the dorm I would be in. Seulgi and joy follow me to the staffroom.

I knocked the door of the staffroom.

"Oh your here seungwan, what do you want?"
"You asked me to come here just now for my room"
"Oh yes.. I'm sorry I forgot"
"Your room number is 122 in the 5th floor"
"Ah nae okay thank you ms.Kim"

I head out from the staffroom and suddently,

"Oh wait,it's our room number tho!" Seulgi said
"Oh your our roommate then!" Joy said excitedly
"Really? What a coincidence"
"This is a good sign! You should join red velvet!" Joy said
"Yess you should seungwan ah" seulgi said
"I'll think about it"
"Sure just let us know when your done thinking"
"Lets go now our new roommate" joy said


"Oh seungwan ah! What are you doing here?" Irene said
"She's our new roommate!" Joy said happily
"Really?? Yayyy" yeri said in excitement
"Are you guys that happy?" I giggled
"Naeee" joy and yeri said at the same time.

{Skips to the afternoon}

It's 1 pm now and I'm getting ready since yoongi wanted to met me. I wear long jacket in a light purple dress. My hair colour is red. I bring my bag since I will go to my house after that for a while.

 I bring my bag since I will go to my house after that for a while

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To think that I will met him make me giggled.
"Why are you laughing alone there?"

Oh wait, what's wrong with me? Why am i feeling like this? Is this what you call love?

I doubt that. I cleared my mind about it and i go out from the room and left the girls.

"Bye girls"
"Where are you going?" Irene asked
"I'm meeting someone and i will go to my parents house after that"
"Bye seungwan ah" the girls said


I arrive at the cafe and i couldn't see him. I sit while waiting for him to come. I ordered two americano.

Oh there he is.

"Your here" I smiled
"Let me cut to the chase" he said in serious tone.
"W-what is it?" I stuttered.
"Why are you joining Red Velvet"
"What do you mean" I asked
"I warn you already, get lost or I'll might do something bad to you"
"Why are you being cold to me while your nice to the others?" I started to cry
"I don't like you"
"But..but.. I think... I love you"

Author's note:
Heyy,I'm back with chapter 3. Seriously I don't even have any ideas so this chapter might be boring to you. I'm sorry and i hope you guys can still support this book. I'm not a good writer fyi.

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