《 chapter 32 : D-day is coming 》

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Wendy's pov

{Few days later}

Early morning as I and suga arrived to the school together, the hallway is full of people whispering with each other. I wonder.

Some were looking at their phone and some are standing infront of the main board in the hallway.

"She's seriously a trouble"

"Why do i even friends with her before? I regret it"

"She's a fake"

"Who knows what else she did aside from this and the accident"

"I bet she takes people money too"

"Wendy!" Someone shouted my name and i turned to see a girl from the other class rush to me.

"Have you seen it already?" The girl said while panting.

"See what?" I'm confused seeing all shocking faces.

"That jisoo date with a different guy every week and rumor said that she slept with all of them.." another student walk up to me.

"Anyway i had to go now" the girl said so does the other student.

I looked at suga and see him smiling to himself. I whisper to him quietly incase someone might heard me "it's you isn't it?"

He chuckle and grin at me. "Maybe.." he whisper back right near my ears. I could feel his breath beside me.

Why you gotta be so rude min yoongi..

"Let's go now" he take my hand and we walked to our class before the class begin.

Author's pov

During breaktime,

As jisoo went to the canteen, all faces turned to her looking disgusted at her. She don't mind them at all and grab her food and sit down.

Until one student walk up to her table while holding a milk and pour the milk all over her.

"This is for playing with my boyfriend"

Jisoo stand up and ready to slap the person but failed when another person catch her wrist.

It's Irene.

"That's enough" she said looking at jisoo.

"Let go of my hand" jisoo struggling to free her hand from irene.

"Promise me that you will reflect for what you have done infront of all this student here and I'll let you go." Irene glare at her making jisoo a bit scared of her.

"I-i promise.."

"Mess with wendy again or anyone else, you'll see what happen.." Irene let go of her hand and walk away as the students all watched her amazed at her action.

Just as it ended, the class teacher call for jisoo in principal's office. She followed the teacher and slowing her step as she goes near the office.

She took a deep breath and sigh, knowing what will happen to her. She took a seat when the principal turn to face her with a dark face all written on his face.

"I'm sure you know why are you here" said the principal calmly, contain his anger.

"So when is it?" Jisoo said bluntly looking bored. The principal looked confused by the sudden action. "I know you're kicking me out of this school" she said again.

"You need to get out of this school by this week.." the principal clear his throat.

"I'll just go now then. There's nothing to do in this lame school" she said standing up and leave the office as the teacher and principal shocked by her behaviour.

Because she changed a lot than before she enter the school.

Few weeks later

"Your last exam will be in 2 weeks from now and after that you will be having your graduation day. Since it's your last year in school, do your best and goodluck.." ms.kim said to the class.

Some of the students sigh because it's the last and some cheer because they don't have to go to school anymore.

But it gives me mix feeling. I'm glad that we're done with high school but sadly each and everyone of us will apart. Some goes to the university and some starts to working.

All of us will grown up and hardly see each other often because everyone are busy including myself.

After we're taking the last exam, we would be free and left waiting for the graduation day to come and leave the school.

What would the future had prepared for us? Nonetheless we still have to overcome the hardship to achieve our dream.

Graduation day is the final day. Right?

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