《 chapter 26 : Our date 》

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Wendy's pov

"What should i wear today?" I opened my closet while screening every outfit that i had.

"This is good enough..i guess"

i guess"

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Author's pov

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know soon..." he said

"Wait. Are you serious about this?" She stopped walking and her face change from ecstatic turn to frown.

"What's wrong?" He looked at her face. He gently hold her hand in his and lead her inside the place.

"3d ghost movie theater?!"

"Yes? Why not"

"Don't tell me son seungwan are scared of ghost movie?" He stopped and cupped her cheeks giving a warm touch.

"No..i guess....." she hesitantly said.

He chuckled without her realising. He actually knows that Wendy aren't a fav of horror movie but he want to tease her.

She grab his hand tightly and not letting it go for the whole time. He enjoyed watching her looks scared which seems cute for him.

Wendy keeps on shouting not knowingly everytime the ghost appeared while the chair being vibrate to give the effect. 


"I swear I will never in my life will watch this kind of movie again.." she said half breathing.

He let out a small chuckled and this time she noticed. She glared at him in his eyes.

"What's so funny" she hit his shoulder which makes him laugh more.

"Today is the best day ever" he looked into the sky and smile to himself.

"You meant, today is the 'worst' day ever" she walked away in a fast speed. Suga laugh and go after her.

"Wait seungwan ah"

He finally catch her and immediately hug her from the back which make her surprised and soon showing her smile.

"Can you believe what i see?" He asked turning to his girlfriend.

"Omg that's wendy.... and suga?"

As far as the couple seems happy, they didn't noticed that 'someone' watch them being lovey dovey.

"Let's go eat! Its dinner time.. I'm so hungryyy" wendy said excitedly while looking at her boyfriend.


Author's pov

"Ahh I'm full... thank you for the meal" wendy said giving a lovely smile to suga.

"Who said that i will pay for it?" He said while giving a no expression face.


"Losers gonna pay!" He suggest

"Fineee.. what game should we play  to determine it?"

"Let's play a word game where you have to start with the word 'ya' or 'yah'"

"I'm bad at this game. I don't have a good memories about it." wendy said flustered.

"Let's start. Ladies first" he said smirking.

"Yahgooreuteu (yoghurt)" she said.

"Yahgoo (baseball)"

"Yadong (porn)" she blurted out that word.

"Yahshijang (night market)"

"Yasol (erotic novel)" she said laughing.

"Wait what..?!" He flustered and soon a small grin appear of his mouth.

"Ooh ooh.. yahgooreuteu ajumma! (Yoghurt ajumma)" she continue the game eventhough she already won the game while looking down avoiding eye contact.

She stopped when she didn't hear any reply from Suga. She looked up to see his face to see him smirking at her which makes her blused so hard.

"Umm do you enjoyed it?" He asked while smirking to her. Placing his hand at her shoulder.

"En-enjoy what? What??"

"Porn and erotic novel....umm nice" he tease her.

"Ya!" She pushed him away lightly.

"And there's come yoghurt ajumma of yours" he continue to tease her.

"Stop it! I'm leaving" she said standing up ready to leave, can't hide herself from the embarrassment.

"Alright alright. I'll pay for the sake of the porn, erotic novel and your yoghurt ajumma" he said which makes her face more red.

Without any words, she went out from the restaurant leaving him alone.

He just stared at her and smile to himself. "Aigoo why so cute son seungwan. I just tease you. Actually i already paid for our dinner when i made the reservation at this restaurant. Can't believe things turn out to this. Cute" he said to himself while smiling alone looking at direction where she run off to.

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