《 chapter 24 : birthday boy 》

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Jimin's pov

I entered the room to my dorm to see darkness. I couldn't see anything else. I tried to find the switch but i accidentally hit the sofa.

I feel like someone grab my wrist and bring me closer to him/her. I was ready to slap that person hand but that hand seem familiar.

I didn't say anything and I let that person drag me to which feel like a room? I'm getting worried out of the sudden. 

"Who are you?" Finally I ask that person out of curiosity.

But that person didn't even reply my question. Anger start to control me because no one have ignored me like that.

I was ready to kick that person and find the switch to see who is it. That person opened the door of the room and fear start to control me instead of anger.

That person let go of my hand and walked away leaving me there in confusion.

Then sound of the confetti could be heard and soon..

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Park Jimin
Happy birthday to you~

Soon the light is on and i see everyone and i see my baby bear holding a cake. Right.. today is my birthday!

Her eyesmile as always cute. She make me fall for her more. Aww

"Blow the candle shorty" said namjoon hyung.

"Hyungggg i told you not to call me by that"

"Alright alright now blow"

I make my wish and blow the candle.

I wish i could stay with Seulgi for a long years..no forever.. and i hope our friendship,bts and red velvet will remains forever and i wish everyone a good health. 

I opened my eyes to see all of them smile to me. This is the best feeling I've ever feel.

"You guys did this?" I asked them when i saw the room is being decorated of myself and the rest of us.

"Of course"

"When? I don't think i saw it though" i asked again which received a soft hit on my head. Of course it's my girl's hand.

"Just now. Of course you don't see it since this is a surprise pabo"

"Oh i see"

"Let's eat the cake and hang out together today"

"Thank you so much guys. I'm happy and lucky to have you all in my life. Thank you"

"Group hugggg" said Jhope hyung.

We did a group hug and started to eat the cake.

Yoongi's pov

While the others busy talking with each other i saw wendy all alone.

I went to her side secretly "why is my baby all alone" i whispered to her ears.

She pushed me aside "are you crazy? Baby? Not now yoongi"

"Why not?" I teased her and a tint of red could be seen on her cheeks.

"Go away. I'm going to my unnie"

"I love you baby" i teased her once again which make her cheekd redder. She walked up faster to her members.

Aigoo my seungwan is so cute. Why can't i noticed it earlier? I must be blind back then..

Author's pov

Everyone settled down and enjoy their day. But silently there's two person who kept eye contact with each other.

Everytime one of them look at the other person, they changed their sight and act normal. Then repeat the same thing again and again.

"When can i say it?" He thought to himself.

"Do you even love me?" She thought to herself.

"I love you bae joohyun"

"I love you kim taehyung"

"Don't make me wait for you any longer" she thought.

They keep glancing one another but didn't manage to say anything. All they do is just staring.

They couldn't master their courage to ask one another. But no one in the room noticed their awkwardness.

They keep a long space between one another and just talk with their own members.

The day ended just like that.

Okay i say i won't update but now i did. hahaha
I feel like i must update today since it's Jimin's birthday.


Okay, now really

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Okay, now really. I will go now. See you guys next month.

And oh before i forget, thank you for 6k readers! Can't believe i reached 6k today on jimin's birthday. Yayy

Okay okay bye~

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