《 chapter 25 : i love you》

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Author's pov

"What should i do? Should i call her? Aish I'm nervous what the fuxk" said suga looking at his phone the whole day.

"Hyung I'm going to the girl's dorm because yeri want to see me.." jungkook said to Jhope. I went near the door to hear it clearly.

"Why are you telling me this? Just go" jhope replied. Soon he realise what Jungkook said. Wendy's dorm?

"Wendy's dorm?" Jhope asked and he's started to blushed.

"Yes but jin hyung don't let me go alone there and he said i must bring one of the hyung along"

Before Jhope could reply to Jungkook. I immediately went to Jungkook.

"I'll go with you jungkook"

"Oh Suga hyung. I though u are asleep so i don't bother to knock ur door. Anyway yayy let's go" the maknae said excitedly.

"But.." jhope sound sad.

"No but"

I hurriedly make Jungkook out from the dorm before jhope said he wanting to join.

'I know u like Wendy, Jhope. But she's mine now. Sorry not sorry dude' thought Suga.

Wendy's pov

"Unnie, are you okay? You look pale!" I asked unnie who's sitting on the edge of her bed room.

"I noticed you keep looking at your phone ever since this morning. Is something bothering you? You know you can tell me anything and I'm ready to help" i said to Irene unnie.

"Oh wendy ah, when did you get here? I don't hear you knocked the door"

"Just a while ago. So unnie,mind to share?"

She sighed and stood up from her bed and walked towards my direction.

"Is it because of taehyung?"

"H-how do u know? Is it obvious?"

"Unnie, y-"

My words got cut off when someone rang the door bell.

"Who is it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and both of us went out of the room to check who is it.

"Come in. The door is not locked" answered yeri who seems rushing.

"Ya kim yerim, who i-"

Before i could finish my sentence. I saw jungkook and suga entering our dorm.

"What are you two doing here in the morning?" Asked unnie.

"Good morning irene noona and wendy noona" smile Jungkook showing his bunny teeth.


"I'm here to ask yeri out since it's weekend and we couldn't spend more time because of school.."

"And you?"

"I-I'm h-here to send jungkook off"

"Wow unbelievable. Are you sure you are suga that we've known?"

"Unnie where is my c-" seulgi walked out of the room.

"Oh what are you guys doing here? Wait suga? What time is it? I don't think this is night time. Am i?"

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