《 chapter 12 : unnie! 》

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Wendy's pov:

"Ya! Today is the day right" asked seulgi. I looked at her confused. "The new doctor i meant" the thought of the new doctor appear on my mind.

"I hope it's a men" said seulgi squealing at the thought of it. "U have jimin,seulgi" i reminded her before she mumbled it infront of jimin. He might get jealous. This kiddo couple.

"It's okay jimin won't be mad"

This girl seriously won't stop.

"Let's go to school" i said to seulgi or she might mumbled again. She nodded.

Unnie and the rest will go to school later since today is me and seulgi's duty day. We have to be at school earlier than usual. Some of bts will also attended school earlier than usual.

"Wait" seulgi stopped me. "What again seulgi?" I asked

"who's that?"


"There" she pointed to a lady who's back can only be seen. I couldn't see her face.

"The new doctor perhaps?" I said unsure. "Let's go to the class first before the other students come" she agreed


"I guess she's pretty" i mumbled to seulgi who's wiping the windows.

"I know right! Even her back looks great.. sadly it's a girl" i laughed at her confession "u better keep jimin in his place" her face changed for a while before turning normal.

"Don't worry he won't cheat on me"

"How can u be so sure?" I teased her

"If he do cheat on me, I'll smack him"

"Helloooooooooo goooodddd morningggg"

Both of us shocked at the noise. We turned to see jhope, v and suga.

"Hyung, keep cool" said v towards jhope

"Morning!" Both of us greet the boys.

"Have u guys seen the new doctor already?"

"We've barely saw her... just her backside" sigh seulgi

"She's pretty and kind! Like an angel" said v blushing.

"How can u be so sure that she's kind?" Asked Seulgi. He just smile

'What is this? Does he like the new doctor? How about irene unnie?' I thought. I need to plan something so that he won't look at the new doctor.

"Perhaps.. do u like her?" Asked seulgi smirking

'Please no... how about irene unnie' i thought again

"She's pretty,kind but i have someone else on my heart" he confessed to us. "But please don't let the others know about this. I trust u guys" all of us nodded.

'Whattt? He has someone on his heart? What should i do' i thought


All of us headed to the cafeteria to get some food. As on our way to the cafeteria, i saw some figure which seems familiar.

"Unnie?" I looked at the lady who's eating her meal quietly.

She turned to look at me "seungwan is that u?" I nodded.

I was surprised to see unnie here on my school and what? She's the new doctor that the school's busy talking about.

I can't be more happy than this. I had someone that i can relied on aside from my members. I need to talk to her about suga. We really need a lot to catch up.

"Unnie!" I ran up to her while the others looked at me in dazed. "Seungwan ah" she stood up and hugged me tightly. "Is this ur school?" Unnie asked and i just nodded.

"It's been a while unnie. I'm glad to see u" i smiled. "The world is indeed small" i laughed at her words.

We're keep on chit chatting not realising anyone else. Just when i about to asked her something, we could hear a cough and that's when i realise that i was with them all.

"Oh right! Unnie this is my friends and guys this is my unnie, son eunseo" they greeted each other. Unnie gestured us to sit and we did.

"This are ur group that ur talking about huh" unnie whispers to my ears. "I'll tell u later about all of this" she just nodded.

"I didn't know noona is wendy's sister" said v.

"Did u two know each other?" I looked at both of them. "We met already just now" v proudly said. "Actually.."


Taehyung's pov:


"I'm sorry. Let me help u pick up ur things" i accidentally bumped into a lady.

"It's okay. Thank u" she said

"Can i ask u something?" The girl looked at me. "Sure why not" i replied while helping picking her things up.

"Where's the school's clinic?" That question make me stopped what I'm doing. "Are u perhaps our new doctor?" I asked in curious.

"Yes i am"

"What's ur name...k-kid?" Asked her

"U can call me taehyung aka v or taetae which is my nickname" she nodded. "Hi taetae , u can just call me noona instead of dr.son" he smiled.

{End of flashback}

Wendy's pov:

"That's how we met" explained v.

All of us nodded. 


"I didn't know u has a pretty unnie, wendy ah" said Seulgi in awed.

"Siblings goals and both sisters are pretty" exclaimed yeri

I just laughed at their confessions.

"Unnie's sister are pretty and a doctor.. she must be smart and wendy unnie is smart and pretty.... perfect siblings indeed" joy said making the rest of the members nodded in agreement.

I looked at unnie and both of us laughed."We're a cute siblings too" joked unnie pulling me closer to her.

"Someone's sulking" teased the maknae line.

And again, all of us laughed and continue to chit chat till its time for our next class.

"Talk to u later unnie" i hugged her for the last time before entering my classroom.

Surprise! HAHAHA i thought i couldn't update but here another chapter.
The new doctor is actually Wendy's sister. I'm sure u can guess it right? Or maybe nah?
Btw i know I'm late but it's sad to see sistar's disbanding. The queen of summer now are gone.
Anyway, hope u enjoyed this chapter! Annyeong~☆

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