《 chapter 31 : It's you 》

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Wendy's pov

"Where are you going so early in the morning? Our class starts at 8 am.." irene unnie asked me as it still 6 in the morning.

"Somewhere" i said before heading outside to go.

"Look who has just show up early morning today" a voice said behind me which i easily recognized that voice. It's suga.

I turned happily as he opened his arm ready to hug me. I returned the hug when someone caught my attention.


I sigh when i saw her on her way to us. But she looked so sad. I wonder what's wrong.

"Can you wait for me at our usual place in 10 mins?" I said to him.

He is hesitating for a while and finally go leaving us alone.

"Wendy.." she called for me as i just glare at her. I won't let she trick me ever again after what she had done to me.

"What do you want?" I say uninterested seeing her while controlling my feeling.

"Better you leave before i s-" before i finished my sentence, she cut me off.

"I'm sorry.."

As if i would fall for it.

"That's it?" I said ready to leave her behind.

"I'm really sorry"

"Oh yeah? For what?" I stare at her sighing.

"For everything i did before at school and for almost killing you.." she said as she lower her words at the end.

"Kim Jisoo" i call her name as she's waiting for my answer.

"I won't ever forgive you and that's it. I won't ever fall for your trick because I'm not like you. I have my brain to think" i leave her behind as i walk away to meet suga.

"You will regret it for not forgiving me, son seungwan.." jisoo said to herself.

Jisoo's pov

I arrived at school as usual seeing the others stare at me and some still support me. Ugh i hate them all especially wendy.

"Jisoo, suga want to meet you at hall C alone" a student walked up to me.

"Alone?" I asked back interested. Soon my face revealed an evil smirk as i thought of a great plan.

"Looks like it" she say and walked away as soon as she delivered his message.

I walked to the Hall C to see him standing there alone in the hall way. I went to his side as he flashed me his gummy smile. What's wrong with him. Damn, he's hot.

"What is it?" I control my smile as i look at him admiring him.

Perfect for me not that girl.

Author's pov

"We have something special for you. Very special" suga said smiling. A confused look appeared on her face when she heard 'we'

"We?" She asked.

As she was confused, soon someone approach them confidently as she stand beside suga. It's Wendy.

"What are you guys trying to do?" Jisoo's face changed to furious when she saw Wendy in suga's side.

"You'll see"

"Your welcome in advance" suga said smirking to jisoo as both of them stand face to her.

"It's obvious now to see your face lit up when you just 'apologize' earlier. How fake you are" wendy said glaring at jisoo as jisoo glare at her back.

Soon suddenly the school is filled with noises from the other side. Students glare at jisoo as they watch on their phone at look back at her.

She stood there in confused when other students starts to murmur about her and look at her in disgusted.

"Wendy doesn't deserve this treat"

"Poor Wendy"

"I'm glad Wendy is fine"

"That bitch should die instead of Wendy"

"She's really evil"

Jisoo snatch a student's phone as she saw a video about her trying to kill wendy posted on social media.

"You!" Jisoo point to Wendy feeling mad but there's a lot of student in the hall. She walked away instead when a teacher approach her.

"Kim Jisoo, please follow me to my office" the teacher said strictly.

"We did it" Suga said as he hugged wendy infront of the students.

"But where do you get the video?" Wendy asked to Suga.


"How about an ice cream? There's an ice cream place near our place" seulgi said to Jimin.

"Um sure whatever you want"

As both of them walked side by side holding hand each other, they spot Wendy and Suga across the road.

Seulgi took out her phone as she's trying to tease Wendy back at their home while trying to take video of them being lovey dovey.

They both look at them smiling when they saw something unexpected. They saw that wendy almost being hit by a car.

Seulgi and jimin stood there surprised and check them out but they stopped when they saw the two of them together and not hurt. They decided to give them some space and walked away to their place.

Seulgi check the video once again to see clearly of the person that almost hit wendy when Jisoo's face clearly seen from the car.

Seulgi stand up feeling mad and call jimin to tell him about it.

They told suga about it and give the copy to him.

End of flashback

"So that's what happen" wendy nod her head.

"I'm thankful to Seulgi and jimin for being there to record of what happened"

"I won't let that girl go easily. This is just the beginning. There's more to come" suga said.

Suga hold Wendy's hand as they went to their classroom feeling satisfied.

I'm sorry for delaying the update of this book. And i run out of idea for this chapter and there's a lot of things i need to do. I'm sorry for this boring chapter and making you guys waited for long. I tried my best to do better chapters next time. That's all i wanna say. Thank you for waiting and for your support ❤

And ohh red velvet announce that they will debut in japan in July!!

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