9. Landon

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I had to get Aria, and I was plotting on getting her ass tonight, I had three weeks left to win this bet and that wasn't much time. I planned on convincing her to stay with me tonight, or I could go to her place. Shit didn't matter to me, my dick was feigning to see what she felt like. And my pride was ready to put it in these nigga's face that I succeeded.

I'd lowkey been watching her all night, and she'd been watching me too. There was no doubt she was fucking with the kid. Regardless of what she tried to tell herself.

I had just finished throwing my ball into the opposing team's cup when I felt a hand on my side, I looked to the side and saw Casey. What the fuck was she doing here? I looked over and saw her friend Sarai too. I was confused as hell because Chris told me he wasn't inviting Sarai because he told Kennedy about the shit, and some shit almost went down with them one night so Sarai and Casey shouldn't have been here.

"What's up?" I greeted Casey and hugged her, then connected my eyes with Chris', he looked just as confused, his eyes just as wide with shock. He planned on trying to fuck with Kennedy tonight so this shit was looking all bad.

"Surprised?" Casey asked me, I chuckled and looked her up and down, then looked back at the game as they called my name for me to go, "yeah, a little." I replied as I picked up the ball.

She sighed, "yeah, Sarai and I were surprised too when we heard y'all were having a kickback but we didn't get word of it."

I looked at her momentarily before focusing on throwing the ball into the cup on the other side of the table. "Oh yeah? You saying this to me like it's my kickback."

She rolled her eyes, "this is your house ain't it?"

I watched as my ball missed miserably, she was messing up my flow. "Yeah, but it's Chris' birthday, from what I knew he wasn't fucking with Sarai like that right now, so he ain't invite her, you hang with her and he ain't want you popping up with her so I respected my niggas wishes, don't make it more than what it is. The only time you come to some shit we having is when you coming with her." I acknowledged as I took my gaze off her to look to where Aria had been standing most of the might.

I saw she was no longer there as I automatically scanned the apartment trying to spot her and saw her and Kennedy coming towards my way. Fuck.

"Well Landon, you could have said that shit."

I shook my head as I bent down to pick up the balls that Mark missed as well. "I just did." I spoke as I stood back up.

Casey was just about to respond when we all heard yelling, I turned to where it was coming from and of course it was Sarai, she did the fucking most. This was the reason Chris ain't want her ass here in the first place. She was all up in his face going off, fucking up my nigga vibe on a day that was for him.

She was a cute girl, light brown and thick as fuck. She hardly any chest and she loved to run her mouth. That shit got on my fucking nerves, she was always trying to check somebody, me included, and she wasn't fucking or sucking me to be doing that shit.

I heard somebody laughing and turned around and saw Kennedy looking at Sarai, laughing like she was at a fucking comedy show. The shit made me chuckle, I really fucked with Kennedy, any time she was over here she would have all our asses laughing.

Sarai turned and looked at me, then looked at Kennedy. "You think something is funny?" she directed it towards Kennedy more than me. Kennedy looked at me and then looked at Aria, "I was laughing right?" She asked, but she wasn't really looking for an answer. I made eye contact with Aria, and we just smiled at each other due to her friends shenanigans.

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