17. Landon

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"Landon, what's wrong? You don't like it. I just knew you would like it." I zoned back in upon hearing my name, I looked at my mom and smiled, "oh no ma, it's good. My mind's just all over the place."

"What's going with you?" My dad asked looking concerned as he bit into his sandwich. I shook my head, letting him know I was good when I was far from it.The rest of the lunch I tried not to let it be known I was bothered as I talked and ate with my parents.

After lunch my dad dropped my mom off so that we could catch up and spend some time together before he had to hit the road again but I was just trying to go home. I enjoyed spending time with my dad but today wasn't the day.

"Talk to me son," he looked at me then looked back at the road.

"What you want to know?" I asked as I looked out the window, never looking his way.

"What's going on with you? Something's bothering you and it just came up. You were fine until you went to the bathroom at the restaurant. Was it a call, a text? What happened?" He always paid attention to detail but sometimes in my opinion he was just nosey as hell.

He always strived for us to be super close because he didn't grow up knowing who his dad was and he wanted to be nothing like him. And we were close, I could go to him about anything but I didn't always want to talk about everything. But I knew he wasn't going to drop it so I might as well talk to him about it, he honestly could probably give me some good advice.

"You want me to be real?" I asked finally turning and looking at him. "Of course," he said as he turned down the music. I looked back out the window. "I got a girl pregnant."

He turned his head quickly looking at me, "What?"
I sighed, leaning my head back on the headrest as I looked over at him. "You said you wanted the truth."

"You sure it's yours?" he asked as he turned into this bar we'd occasionally go to. "Man pops, if it was anybody else I'd tell you no. But this one is probably mine." He parked the car and we got out, "what makes you so sure?" he asked as we walked in.

"She ain't like that, it was a struggle just to get her to talk to me." I responded as we took a seat at the bar.

He looked at me and shook his head and then ordered us some beers, "I ain't happy about it, you know these girls will try and trap you"he began as the bartender sat the beers down. He took a sip of his before continuing, "you're handsome son, you get that shit from me." He laughed as I took swig of my beer. "You got good shit going on, got a name to yourself, and my name don't help." He finished.

I hated that last part, I was my own person and though I loved my dad I didn't want to be in his shadow but he was right. Girls were definitely on my dick for all that shit. "I know, but she don't even fuck with me." I replied.

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, "what you mean?"

"She don't even talk to me, any time I tried talking to her before I found she was pregnant she straight up ignored me. But I did do some fucked up shit." As I got older my dad didn't trip about me cussing in front of him, it was a bad ass habit I had anyways, but he did too. Never did the shit with my moms though.

He took another sip of his beer, looking me in the eyes, "definitely watch out for that shit then. She could be trying to use you for what you got. If she hate you so much, why would she keep a baby by you?"

Damn, he had a point. He really got my mind spinning with that statement, I ain't want to believe that Aria was like that but you never knew with girls nowadays.

"Shit, bring her by the house, let me catch her vibe. I'm around gold diggers and spiteful bitches all the time, shit easy to spot now." I nodded my head in response before I picked up my beer and took it to the head.

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