14. Aria

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"Girl, that shrimp clearly didn't sit right with you last night." I was sitting over the toilet hurling my guts out. I pushed my hair back as I pushed back against the wall, Kennedy was standing beside me with a sad look on her face. This wasn't the first time I woke up throwing up everything I ate the day before.

The first time I thought it was food poisoning, but it's clear this wasn't the case. I couldn't be pregnant because I took a Plan B after the fuck up with Landon and hadn't dealt with anyone since and I got my period last month. So in my mind, that option was out, but something had to give.

I got up, getting ready to brush my teeth. I looked at Kennedy as I picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste, debating on whether or not I should tell her about the many times I'd woken up throwing up, just to see what she thought it might be. But she quickly went to talking about Jon and the plans he had made for them for the night which made me drop the thought altogether, besides the last thing I needed was her even thinking I was pregnant.

Kennedy and I lounged around my house and watched trash TV until time snuck up on us and she had to go get ready for her date with Jon. They were cute as hell to me and I felt like he would probably try to make it official soon. However, she still dealt with Chris at times and I hated it. He was a fuck nigga just like his friend. She swore they were just friends though but I couldn't understand what would even make her want to be friends with him. We had our fair share of arguments about her still hanging with him and his friends but it was no point in repeating the conversation over and over anymore.

Once Kennedy left I cleaned up and did a few self care things before sitting on my couch to relax for the remainder of the night. However, as I was trying to relax the thought of me being pregnant kept running through my head.

I decided I just needed to nip it in the butt and prove to myself that I wasn't so I decided to get up and go grab a couple of pregnancy tests. I quickly threw on some clothes and made my way out the door, praying all of these test would come out negative.

I went to the nearest Walmart, and stood in the family planning aisle as I scanned the options, there were so fucking many. I didn't want to get caught with pregnancy tests in my hands by anybody I knew so reminded myself I needed to make this quick. I picked up a three pack just so I could triple check if one of the test decided to read wrong and say pregnant. I turned around to walk out the aisle as I froze seeing Jodie looking at condoms as he picked some up.

Ever since the situation I hadn't talked to any of them. Landon blew my phone up the first two weeks after it happened, and Mark did too. But I was good on all of them, they were shady as hell in my eyes. I didn't do shit to them so for them to make me a target like that was low in my eyes. Jodie especially because I was cool with him.

We still had class together, but I ignored his ass.  He knew I was upset with him, he apologized sincerely every chance he got. Stating how he didn't think I would give in which was the only reason he was cool with it. But that wasn't the point to me, we were supposed to be cool and he definitely helped to push me into Landon's arms even more and he knew that shit.

"Hey," he spoke as he quickly noticed me, his eyes averted to my hands. I tried to quickly pull the pregnancy test behind my back, but it was a little too late for that. "Hey," I said dryly as I made my way out the aisle but he quickly stopped me by calling my name, I turned still trying to keep the test hidden.

He lifted one of his eyebrows, opened his mouth, and then closed it, shaking his head and looking down before looking back up at me. "You think you pregnant?" he asked.

I chuckled a little, debating on whether or not I should lie and say they were for someone else, tell him that I didn't know, hence the pregnancy test, or tell him to mind his fucking business cause I still didn't fuck with him. He cut in before I could respond.

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