20. Aria

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"Girl, he thought that tired ass line was going to work." It had been about a month since I met Landon's parents, and since I had got to sit down and talk with Kennedy. She had been going hard in the books, I had just finished running down the night I met his parents to her as we were window shopping.

Kennedy laughed, "well apparently it did cause I heard the two of you re-hashed some things." She side eyed me. I rolled my eyes, hating myself for actually ending up giving in to Landon. Hear me out though — being pregnant has made me a lot hornier; I told myself just that one time and never again. I was using him to satisfy my needs.

"Don't remind me." I let out as she laughed again, "I knew that was going to happen." She said with a shrug of her shoulders, "not at all surprised."

"Whatever." I didn't like how sure she sounded about it. I knew Chris was going to mention it to her if Landon told him. I'm just surprised she didn't hit my line before today about it.

"How did it happen? And don't sugarcoat it, give me details." she demanded. I let out a deep sigh as I began replaying everything that happened in my head. "Uhh, he stopped by late one night, I was horny as hell, and I blame the fact that my hormones are all out of whack." I made clearly known as she rolled her eyes. "But he was looking good to me for some reason. I think he had just got a fresh shape up, he was headed out to the club and shit so he was looking clean, smelling good and yeah."

"Who initiated it? You?" Kennedy asked with slight surprise.

"No." I let out matter-of-factly. "He said another one of his weak ass lines, I encouraged it like a dummy."
She laughed, "you sound like you mad it happened, shit was the sex bad?" She questioned as we stopped at one of the stores. It wasn't, at all. But it was Landon, and with the history we had he didn't deserve me. I shook my head no, "no, it was good. Really good honestly."

I zoned out for a minute thinking back on that night. That night he swore we were together after it and I easily went with it due to the sexual high I was on.

He smiled against my lips, as my body had already succumbed to his touch. "You down to try the mommy and daddy shit?" he asked lowly, all seriousness in his voice as his hands moved to my waist, pulling my body into him even more, as if we weren't close as it is. I nodded not really caring about what he was saying, but just wanting him to continue touching me. "Don't play with me." He said in a whisper, as his hand started pushing my shirt up, allowing his hands to touch my stomach and sides bare. "I'm already lowkey crazy about your ass" he said as he moved his lips to my ear. "I- I'm not," I said barely able to get it out. He smiled as he brought his lips to my neck. "so this," he started as he kissed my neck "is mine" as he moved one of his hands to my ass, "and this," he moved his hands completely up my shirt, touching my sides, my stomach, and my breast "is mine." He moved his hands back down to my panties, "and this," he started as he moved my panties to the side, causing my breathing to labor, not even realizing I was holding my breath until he stuck two fingers in me, "is definitely mine." He smiled at my reaction as I closed my eye as he started pushing his fingers in and out of me.

"Then why you saying it like that?" Kennedy asked as she looked through some clothes, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Let's not forget what he did." I reminded her and myself as I began rummaging through some racks of clothing too shaking the thought from that night away completely.

"Girl let that shit go." Kennedy started with judgement all in her voice. I quickly looked over at her, knowing I couldn't be hearing her correctly. "You are having his baby, you chose to have his baby. Don't hold that shit over his head forever."

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