16. Aria

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"Well Ms. Stills, you are indeed pregnant."

I sat there stunned looking at my gynecologist. She had a smile on her face that was slowly fading. "Now if this is something you aren't happy with there are plenty of options for you to choose from," she began. She went through the different options as I zoned out, I was just hoping and praying the home pregnancy test had somehow glitched, but this shit was real.

"Do any of those options sound fitting?" She questioned, I was zoned out as she went through them. I just looked at her and the tears started falling, getting pregnant was never a part of my plan. I had goals that a child just didn't fit into right now. She came over to me pulling me into a hug as I just cried, "it's okay, it's okay" she said while rubbing my back. But it wasn't okay, this shit wasn't okay. I wiped my face as she went and grabbed me some tissues. We talked about options I might consider and she gave me pamphlets of each. I walked out of there with my mind heavy as ever. One night literally changed my life.

I couldn't believe I had been so stupid, I was pregnant by a boy I wanted nothing to do with, because he damn sure wasn't a man.


"Are you going to tell Landon?" I was on the phone with Kennedy as I was on my way to my moms, I needed to see my mother, she was my only sense of real reasoning and peace in one and luckily she only lived forty-five minutes away from where I stayed. Not too far, and not too close which was what I wanted.

"I don't know, I mean, I guess I have to." I sighed out.

She sighed as well, "yeah, it would be the best thing to do. Y'all could figure it out together. And before you even start, I know the situation was fucked up. But he's really not a bad dude Aria."

I rolled my eyes, not even in the mood to go there with her today so I kept it short, "okay Kennedy. I need to go though."

"Well let me know when you make it home."

"I will." We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone, connecting my phone to my Bluetooth in my car, letting soulful 90s R&B soothe me until I made it home.


"Hey baby!" my mom said as soon as she opened the door with a big smile on her face. Her smiled faded upon looking me over. My mother was my peace but she could also be a headache because she was blunt as hell.

"What's wrong with you? You got your hair all over your head, you look a mess. What's going on?" She asked as she pulled me into the house and hugging me all I once.

The feel of her tight hug made me lose it again, I busted out crying. "What's wrong baby? Talk to me." I couldn't even talk I was crying so hard. My mother just held me for a minute until I got myself together. She let me go and started walking towards the kitchen, I followed.

"You hungry?" she asked. I shook my head yes and she went and made me a plate of some chicken and rice she cooked and got me a glass of water as I sat there and ate. She just looked me over as I sat there, showing nothing but love in her eyes. My momma never pushed me for anything and I loved that about her, she let me talk when I was ready and didn't force it a minute before.

I finished eating and just came out with it. I didn't know how she was going to take it I knew she wouldn't be happy about it, her goal was for me to finish school first and then she didn't care what I did. She always said that. She just wanted me to be better than her, she didn't finish college because she got pregnant with me when she was 19. "Mom, I'm pregnant" I said looking down, playing with the fork on the plate.

"Come again?" She said with confusion in voice.

I looked up, she was looking at me, eyes wide. "I'm pregnant" I said a little above a whisper.

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