24. Aria

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"How's Kennedy?" My mom questioned. Her and I were downtown at this ice cream shop after a day of her spoiling Ava like crazy, she wasn't even here yet but she'd  bought her so much stuff. I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, I'm sure she's good."

"You don't know?" she asked with suspicion. "You two haven't been talking?" My mother knew Kennedy was the main person I hung out with.

"Not lately," I shook my head as I put a scoop of ice cream in my mouth, "you know, we're both busy. Her with her boyfriend, and I think she's taking some summer classes. I'm trying to get ready for Ava, and find a new place, which honestly I'm thinking about moving back home. My lease will be up soon." I said with a smile, hoping she'd be gung-ho for me moving back in.

"What about school? You have one year left, and I told you that you weren't dropping out." She gave me a look letting me know she was serious.

"I'm not, but I'll need help with the baby. I'm thinking about taking a semester off, and going back in the winter."

"I don't know Aria," she started with hesitation, "I think you should continue in the Fall."

"Juggling a newborn and my classes mom? Ava will be all of like a month and a half when school starts. And who is going to watch her? I don't trust nobody here like that."

"Which gives you the six weeks that's recommended. You can do it, I'll be here to help. Matter of fact, I'll take some time off and be your babysitter starting off. I just don't want you to get complacent. It's easy to do that when juggling a baby."

I sighed, I understood where she was coming from. "Well, I need this in writing. I don't need you trying to act like you didn't say you were going to watch her," I said with a laugh.

She rolled her eyes with a smile, "I would never, I want you to finish school and I'm already excited for her, you're going to have more of a problem with me giving her back to you than me watching her."

"Well what am I going to do about an apartment though? I seriously haven't found one yet and my lease is up in a month and I'll also be having Ava in a month sooo..." I knew Jason was talking about moving this way but nothing had been set in stone nor was I about to just move in with him that quickly.

"I mean you can come home for the time being, I don't have a problem with that. I just had a problem with the school situation. We can look at places while I'm here and have Landon go with you when I leave."

"Landon?" I asked with a stank face.

"Nuh un, don't do that. You got pregnant by him." She remarked.

I rolled my eyes. "Not on purpose!"

"Mmhm, I like him though." She gave a small smile as her eyes met mine. Of course she liked him, I could see how Landon could be easily liked, but if she knew Landon she wouldn't be saying this.

"Yeah, he's cool - sometimes." I emphasized as I scrapped the bottom of the cup, playing with it since all the ice cream was now gone.

"And I think he likes you." She continued. I stopped what I was doing, putting the cup on the table and leaning back to truly focus on my mom. "He can like me all he wants, but he has some serious growing up to do ma."

She nodded, "I'm sure of that. I can tell he's a little young minded but he seems sincere."

"He seems sincere?" I questioned. "How you figure that?"

"He makes it obvious he's into you, I just think he doesn't know how to show it appropriately. He gives playboy vibes a little, and you know playboys get what they want and knowing you he's not getting that from you and he doesn't know how to handle it probably. So he's probably messed it all up with you. But he seems to be constantly trying." I didn't respond as a moment of silence hit us, "why are you so against him?" She questioned.

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