26. Aria

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"That's a little sus." Mink said with a look of astonishment.

I nodded my head in agreement. I had just told her how Jason had been acting a little weird lately, and how the last time we hung up the mother of his child was blowing up his phone and he refused to answer. Told me she was 'tripping about some bullshit.'

"I know." I sighed, "and my mother is not a fan of the girl already told me to watch it. So I don't know if it's really just her that's the problem or if Jason is what's causing her to be the problem. You know?"

Mink nodded, "oh I know. Niggas love to act like the girl is just crazy when behind the scenes they made her that way."

"But off that." I swatted, "what's been up with you?" I asked as I finished folding up some clothes.

"Girl not shit, happy that this semester is about to be over." Now that was something I agreed with, but it also reminded me that I was even closer to delivering a baby as well and that made me nervous.

"It's about to be a hot girl summer! Fuck this niggas! And fuck school!" She finished.

We were both laughing as a knock came through on my door, I looked down at my phone to check the time. "Oh yeah, Landon's coming over so we can talk. I lost track of time."

Mink stood up as I put the last shirt I folded up on top of the rest of my folded laundry. "Well let me head out so you two can talk. I need to go see a man about a horse anyways" she smirked at me as she headed towards the door.

"Oh but I thought it was a hot girl summer! Fuck these niggas remember?" I smiled.

"It is! Get that head, get that bread, then leave!" I couldn't do anything but laugh as she opened the door and greeted Landon before making her way out.

I heard him close the door as I placed my laundry back in my room. I walked out as he was taking a seat on the couch. "What's up? How are you?" He questioned as soon as he laid eyes on me. His eyes going from my face to my belly.

"Good and you?" I responded pulling his eyes back to mine. "I'm good. You look good."

I blushed a little, the compliment was unexpected, "thank you, you do too." And I was being honest, he had a fresh cut and a nice little fit on.

He smiled and leaned up, "but aye look, might as well cut to it." He looked at the watch on his wrist checking the time. "I got a little date in about an hour. But I'm going to be honest, I'm one hundred percent not down with you moving back with your moms after you have Ava." I was still stuck on the fact that he said he had a date to get to. He continued once I didn't say anything.

"I've already talked with my mom and everything and she said it's fine if you stay there. I'm not comfortable with you being an hour away with a newborn, and I'm not comfortable with the trip it's going to take to get her there, especially not when we already have support here."

"Hold on," I held my hand up. "A date?" A small smile etched on my face. He started laughing. "Yeah Aria, but that's not the conversation at hand."

"A date with who?" I questioned, I was being nosey but I was truly curious. It now mad sense why he had fallen back. In one sense I was happy, in another I felt a type of way. And for what? I couldn't tell you.

He licked his lips as he smiled again, "you don't know her. C'mon now. Let's talk about what I came over here for."

I definitely wanted to dig more but I decided I would wait and talk about the more important topic. "Okay." I let out, "I heard everything you said, but I'd feel more comfortable with my mom." I responded honestly.

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