H2OVanoss~ Does he like me? 1/2

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Top: Evan
Bottom: Jonathan

Vanoss's POV

I just hit the 20 million subscriber milestone today, and the whole crew decided to celebrate. Tyler suggested that we go to a strip club. Everyone agreed, oddly. Delirious was the only one to hesitantly agree. I mean, the idea isn't bad, but I hope we won't get some sort of STD. Not joking, of course.

We all got in, 2 different cars. Tyler, Lui, Marcel, Luke and I in my car; and Delirious, Nogla, Craig, Ohm, and Moo in Delirious's car. We drove there and walked in, all together. "Awww, yeah! Let's get WASTED!" Tyler shouted excitedly. Mini agreed and left with Tyler, straight to the bar.

I began walking towards them but I felt someone grab me by the arm. I turned to see Delirious lightly blushing, and he had a worry expression on his face. "Yeah, Delirious?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Don't get too wasted, Vanoss." He said looking down in embarrassment. He's probably never been to a strip club maybe? "I'll try Delirious, but you should come with me and enjoy yourself." I mentioned. He looks at me with relief in his eyes. He's so cute and fucking hot. That's not the only reason I love him. His laugh is his own and it's contagious! His personality is the best, he always cares about me and his friends. He never puts himself before others, and I love him for that. His sense of humor is so great, too! I've know him for years, too. I blushed lightly and told him to follow me.

We both headed to the bar and saw Tyler and Craig chatting. Once we got close enough, their breath smelled like alcohol. "Oh! If it isn't Evan and his boyfriend~" Tyler slurred, jokingly. I turned to Delirious to see him blush. "We're not dating, you piggy asshole" Delirious said, gritting his teeth. "I wish" I mumbled quiet enough for no one to hear. "Well, come on iiin, and join us" Craig said as he wobbled around. "M'kay" I said sitting down. The waitress came over wearing fancy, yet slutty clothes. It showed so much of her boobs...

I looked at Delirious and saw him looking everywhere else, BUT her breasts. "Are you a virgin, Delirious?" I asked out of no where. "Wha?" He asked surprisingly, with his face turning red, real quick. I blushed in realization. "Uh- neverm- "Two, please!" Craig yelled at the waitress, interrupting me. Thank god, too. I didn't know what to say. The waitress then passed us the drinks and I thanked her. Delirious grabbed his drink and I grabbed mine. "To the 20 million milestone!" and we all clanked our shot glasses and all cheered.

We all chugged down our drinks and dramatically placed them onto the counters. "Whew! That's hella strong, Wildcat!" "Hell, YEAH!" he cheered. I looked around the place, while still at the bar. I saw Lui, Nogla, and Basically putting money in stripper's bras. Moo was talking with a girl that didn't look like a stripper. And Luke and Ohm were chatting away in their own conversations on a love seat. "Vanoss." Delirious said, getting my attention. "Remember what I said?" he asked. "Yes, I remember, Delirious. Now drink up!" I said giving him another glass. He gulped it down and that was all it took for us to start celebrating.

2 hours later...

Delirious's POV

They are drunk as fuck. Damn it, Vanoss! What about what I said!? I looked over at Vanoss to see him wobble in his seat. He looked at me and smiled while his face looked red from the alcohol. "All right, time to go, Vanoss." I said, irritated. "Awww! Why Deliriousss?" he slurred. I facepalmed at his lack of paying attention to his surroundings. "Vanoss. Look at Tyler and Craig." I said pointing behind him. He turned around to see Tyler and Craig making out. "HAHA! We should record this shit!" He said pulling out his phone.

I snatched his phone and he pouted at me. I glared at him and got up from my seat. "Alright, time to go, you damn hoochies!" I shouted over at the guys. At the word, 'hoochie' every stripper in the club looked at me. Oh shit. A security guard came over and carried me out of the club. "Stay out, HOOCHIE!" He said throwing me out. I landed on my ass and stood up. The guys laughed and came out of the club. "Shut the fuck up!"I yelled at them.

"Alright! Since Moo and I look the most sober, we'll drive." I announced to all. They all agreed and we drove back to Vanoss's house. Once we got there, Tyler and Craig slept on top of each other on the couch. I fucking knew they liked each other. Marcel, Lui, Moo, and Ohm talked to each other in the kitchen. Nogla went into the restroom to vomit. And Luke and Vanoss were talking to each other. I sat down next to Vanoss and heard their conversation.

"Evan, how'd you *hiccup* become so goddamn buff and attractive?" he slurred. I looked over at Vanoss and saw him blush and look away. "Well, I-" he was interrupted by Luke holding his arms and squeezed them in admiration. "Oooo!" he squeezed Vanoss's muscles. Vanoss smirked and looked over at Luke. I felt... betrayed. My heart ached in pain as I looked at what they were doing. Vanoss was ENJOYING Luke's hands. I felt my face heat up in jealousy and I stood up from the couch and left upstairs to go to my guest room. That's were I slept. I plopped down onto "my" bed and looked up at the ceiling.

I looked up over at the door and asked myself if I locked the door. Probably, I reassured myself. I began thinking about Vanoss. Did he actually enjoy Luke's hands all over his body like that? I still felt my face boil and I felt a sudden wave of stress. I needed a way of releasing all of this stress, I couldn't sleep. I looked down at my crotch and blushed. "Should I?" I wondered. Was I really gonna touch myself, in EVAN'S house?

Fuck it.

I steadily brought my hand over my covered length and touched it slightly. "Hmph" I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, at the sudden pleasure. Right now, all I wanted to do was get it over with. And I don't usually self pleasure that much, so it's kinda sensitive. I bent my knees a little and unzipped my black skinny jeans. I still had my famous blue hoodie on, I didn't bother taking it off. I was just focused on the situation at hand. (Get it? "Situation" at hand? Huh?.... I'll go home. :D) I pulled my boxers and pants down enough to pull it out completely. I looked at it, while thinking about Vanoss.

Was I actually jealous? Do I have feelings for my best friend? My cheeks heated up at the thought of him. Luke is right. He IS buff and attractive. But I don't really focus on that. He's also very funny, nice, shy at times actually, very thoughtful, cares not only about himself. And most of all, he makes me have another purpose in life...

I had realized my dick felt tight and hard. "Ah!" I looked down. I blushed and felt embarrassed... I needed hi- I needed Vanoss! "Fuck." I said grabbing my hard on. I began stroking the tip and felt the pleasure take over me. "Vanoss~ aah, fuck." I moaned. I kept saying his name, pretending like he was the one making me feel this. I then felt precum ooze onto my hand. It was throbbing bad. "Ahh, shit!" I drooled.

I haven't felt this good in weeks. My face heated in wanting more of this. I needed more! I pumped myself faster around my length. "Ohh~ V-Vanoss" I gave in. I couldn't take it anymore. My hand pretty much had a mind of its own as it pumped me harder. My dick throbbed with pain. I wanted to release this stress so bad!

I pumped even faster around the tip and squeezed my hand a little tighter around it. " Hah! V-Vanoss~ please! Ahh~" My lower half became numb with pleasure and I was reaching the end. "Oh shit! Ahhhh~" I arched my back and felt the end until-

"Delirious?" I stopped before I came and quickly looked over. Vanoss stood at the door while his face glowed a bright red.

Oh no.

"Vanoss!" I said, bending my legs even more to cover my erection. Shit. I was about to cum, too. My lower half was still numb as my dick was still hard, dripping with cum all over it. Did he see?


Didn't want to make it too long. Read next part for actual smut. ;)

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