H2OVanoss~ The Maid who became much more

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(Its SMUT story time!!! And cursing. :p *WARNING*)

Top: Evan
Bottom: Jonathan

Vanoss's POV

All the stress of putting up videos on YouTube has really gotten to me. You'd expect it to be fucking easy and fun, but in reality, it's the exact opposite.

So, since I can't catch up with chores and stuff around the house, like cooking, I hired a maid to come and do them for me. They were out of the hot maids, and got me a dude instead. I refused at first, but over the last few years, I've gotten to know him better, and I started to realize how beautiful he actually was. He says his name is Jonathan, and I began falling for him... umm-


I kept telling myself that, for years... But there was a part of me hoping I was. Like, the urge of loving a man, and not going by the rules; felt right...

Just then, I heard knocking at my bedroom door, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uh- come in, Jonathan!" The door creaked open and revealed something I couldn't take my eyes off.

He stood there with a tray of food in his hands, as he tries to stand with correct posture. His maid dress and his face was just a turn-on, itself. He looked like he was slightly blushing and skimmed glances all over my room, in a shy manner. "I brought your food, Master Evan." ( Cliché yet? ;) ) He stuttered. "Thank you, Jonathan. Can you please bring it to me?" I said turning back to my computer monitor. I left the mouse on the 'discard' button, on one of the best edited videos yet, which wasn't the BEST idea. Although, I can't wait until I upload it!

He came beside me and placed the tray right next to me.

I turned my head and looked into his blue eyes. For a guy who's a bit older than me, he has a smaller, much cuter body type. He was perfect. His eyes glowed in curiosity as he cocked his head to the side. "Is there something wrong, Master Evan?" He asked, blushing a bit. "U-um, nothing, Jonathan..." I said turning away, in embarrassment. I turned back to the monitor and couldn't believe my eyes.

I heard a sharp gasp come from Jonathan, and I turned back to him. My mouth gaped open to see Jonathan in pure terror. "I'm S-SORRY!" He shakily apologized. I gritted my teeth and saw him back up to my bed. I didn't feel anything else but anger. "Jonathan!!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled towards him. I didn't show mercy. I couldn't think straight..

"M-Master E-Evan!! I didn't mean to, I'm SORRY!" he pleaded. "What the fuck am I paying you for?! To RUIN shit?!" I said getting up. He fell backwards onto my bed in terror. Little tears started to form in his blue, fearful eyes. I jerked my hand up and got ready to slap the shit out of him.

Jonathan's POV

I'm so fucking clumsy!! "NO!! Evan, I'm SO sorry!! PLEASE" I cried out. He stopped himself from hurting me, showing some mercy?

Oh, was I wrong...

"You REALLY fucking sorry??" He growled. That fucking got me turned on. I know it's not appropriate for the sicheeation at hand, but man, he's hot even when he's mad. "Hah- Y-Yes!" I stuttered backing up on the bed I laid on.

He stared at me for a good five seconds, and swiftly brought his body over mine. Wait, what?! He held both my wrists above my head and looked down at me and smirked devilishly. "M-Master E-Evan, what are you doi-" His lips crashed against mine as I whimpered at the sensation. I couldn't k-kiss back... H-he's my Master. That would be wrong..

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