H2OVanoss~ My Neko

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Top: Master Jonathan
Bottom: Neko Evan
Delirious' POV

"Good evening, sir." My butler, Sebastian, greeted me. "Evening Sebastian. Have you seen Evan? I'd like to talk to him." I said, shifting my eyes uneasy, fixing my collar. "Why no, sir. I haven't, unfortunately." He shook his head. I sighed loudly, distressed for not finding my kitty. "Thanks anyways, be on the lookout." I said, fixing my brown hair with one hand.

He nodded and began walking down, one of many, large halls of my mansion. Sure I'm rich, but I don't really care. I have money to spend, so I have spent it on a nice mansion. Because, why not?

I was snapped back to reality when I heard my friend, Tyler's, voice echoing off from the distance. I raised my eyebrow and began walking towards the voice.

I reached a closed door and stayed quiet, making sure the voice came from behind the door. "C'mon. I won't hurt you, I swear~", Tyler's voice rang. I felt anger and disbelief start to rise in my chest as I kept still behind the door to Evan's bedroom.

Better not be directed towards Evan...

"No, Tyler. Master wouldn't like it." I heard Evan hiss. I slowly opened the door peeking in, making sure I was quiet.

Tyler is one of my workers/friends that I've met two years ago. We've known each other well, and laugh together as great friends. When I bought my mansion, Tyler offered to be a worker of mine. A maid, a cook, and a messenger. He's all of those for me, and I pay him well. But once I brought Evan into my place, Tyler began leeching onto him. I noticed the way Tyler would stare at him, undressed him with his eyes while biting his lips. It sickened me to my guts. I've given him a chance, by telling him to stop eye-fucking Evan or he'd get fired. But by the looks of it-

Tyler was slowly walking towards Evan in a suggestive way while Evan kept backing up. Evan had his cat ears perked up menacingly as his tail twitched in discomfort.

I just stood and watched, wanting to know what happens next- of course; if I have to step in, I would.

Tyler smirked and stopped in front of Evan. He held his hand up to his cheek and caressed it. He leaned closer, licking his own lips. I felt my blood boil at the sight of them. It stung my heart badly, seeing another man touch what's mine!

I slammed the door open and snatched their attention, fury flaming out of my eyes. "Don't touch him, you dirty bastard!" I yelled, pushing Tyler away from Evan. Evan seemed so surprised as Tyler backed away with embarrassment hiding in his eyes. "Pssh. Was worth a try." He shrugged, walking out of the room.

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