Vancat~ The Live stream 2/2

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Top mostly: Tyler
Bottom most likely: Evan

Evan's POV

I saw Tyler get up from his seat and leave my room. "Be right back, Evan!" He yelled, not turning back once. I had no idea what he was gonna do, but I brushed it off by looking back at the game screen. Tyler isn't usually the mysterious one... Why is he acting so weird? I kept playing GTA 5 and paid no attention to my surroundings.

I kept focusing on the game, never tearing my eyes off it. "Fuck off, cops! I swear to gawd, if you kill me right now- FUCK!" I yelled, the screen showing big red letters, spelling out the word, 'WASTED'. I huffed, but then laughed. "OK, OK. I won't fuck up this time, I promise!" I yelled enthusiastically at the camera. "I'll survive this time, I swear! And if I don't, I'll tweet out that someone gets to dare me to do something!" I nervously spoke, glancing at the comments. "The reply with the most likes, is the dare I'll do IF I die this time.. Got it?!" One of the comments said, "WAIT! NO PAUSING IS ALLOWED, VANOSS!! >:(". I sighed and looked back at the camera. I nodded. " Fine, absolutely, NO PAUSING. " I looked back at the game, feeling regret already.

I know that my subscribers will make me do something embarrassing or stupid... Ah shit, I really didn't want to lose, but I kept my confidence up. "Alright!! Let's go!" I cheered, respawning in the game again.

I was in 'try hard mode' and I bit my lips, running towards my vehicle, being chased by the cops so early. "Fuck." I cursed. I heard something in my room, but ignored it completely. If I get distracted, I'll fuck up bad... Can't get distracte- HAA!!

I jumped up in surprise, but kept my eyes glued to the screen. I can't look away now, but I felt something touch my inner thigh.

What the fuck?!?

I glanced down quickly and saw Tyler under the desk, staring up at me with lust covering his blue, beautiful eyes. My face reddened as I looked back up to the screen, getting ready to pause...
Oh shit, I forgot! Fuck, I can't!!

I swallowed hard and felt my heart pound furiously. I heard a quiet moan come from underneath me. SHIT, THE MIC BETTER HAVE NOT CAUGHT THAT!! I blushed harder and tried to keep all my attention to the game, failing miserably.

He started palming my growing erection slowly, teasing me well. "Shit.. " I clenched my body together, gritting my teeth. What the... f-fuck, Tyler...

I hid behind a corner as cops kept trying to shoot my character. I was doing pretty well until- "Hah~" I moaned out of nowhere, looking down once more. Tyler had his head on my covered length and nibbled at the fabric around it, causing hard friction. He rubbed my legs and kept nuzzling his head at my crotch. "Haahh~ fuck..." I moaned quietly with half lidded eyes, trying to focus on the game. My body felt like it was burning hot, especially around my dick. I held back any further moans once I remembered that thousands of people are watching me play, and I had a fucking face cam?!?


I killed 3 cops with a grenade I threw at them, hiding back behind the corner I was in. I had more than half life left, I was doing fucking amazing! I didn't dare to look at the cringiness in the comments. I know they'll probably be talking about the sounds I made.

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