Delitoonz~ Loved you this whole time

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****{Requested by: CrypticSinger}****

No Dom nor sub. Both would equally be top or bottom.

Luke's POV

"I love you, baby." My girlfriend, Joanna, whispered in my ear. I intertwined my fingers with her's, over the arm rest, and looked at her in the dark.

I glanced beside her to see her brother, Jonathan, watching the movie. His blue, crystal eyes, shined and glowed in the darkness. The way they shine and sparkle makes your heart skip a beat. It keeps you in the most pleasant trance and keeps you from looking away. No one could ever have any crystals for eyes like his. The way he laughs, brings joy to everyone around to hear it. His laughing is always contagious, making it the highlight of your day.

But nothing could compare to his personality. He's the dreamiest of angels. Every word he speaks is spoken from the heart, but when it's not, he's just playing around. He has the best of humor, positive to make you smile. His heart is full of kindness and full of generosity. He always cares about what you have to say. He's there to make you feel better and always puts others before himself.

The only reason that I'm dating his sister, is to get near him- near Jonathan. I didn't think that coming out as gay in the first place would be a good idea. So, I'm dating his sister. Maybe if I keep this long enough, Jonathan and I could be friends-

"Everything OK, babe?" Joanna raised an eyebrow. I was snapped back to reality and looked at her and smiled. "Sorry, babe." I leaned in and went close to her ear. "I love you, too."

You fucking liar...

(Scroll down slowly for more effect. ಠ_ಠ )

8 years later...

(See? ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ )

(Still Luke's POV)

"Babe, I swear!! I didn't cheat on you! You're wrong!" I begged of her. Her crying got worse by the second and her stance became much more intimidating. I tried to walk towards her- "NO!! STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKING CHEATER!! After all these FUCKING years, you decided to bail out now?! I thought we had something!!" She cried even more, packing her bags much more messily.

"No! Joanna-" "Don't you fucking call me that, we're THROUGH." She zipped her bag and stomped passed me. I heard her slam the front door and leave.

I stood still for a few minutes and sighed. I turned the AC on and got into bed. I pulled my phone out and went into contacts, and scrolled to the contact that says, "Joanna" and changed it to "Ex". I didn't want to delete her contact, so I kept it. I then, happened to scroll down to a contact saying "Jonathan💙" . I smiled and felt my heart pound. After those 8 years, Jonathan and I did become amazing friends. And I've loved him the whole time, learning something new from him, every passing day and falling in love with him even more. He's everything I dreamed him to be.

Then out of the sudden, my phone began buzzing.

Jonathan is calling...

I felt my heart pound within my chest, and my face began to feel warm. Every time he's mentioned, this always happens. I have this weak spot for him, and I always get nervous around him- which is really surprising to me. I was usually a punk and I caused trouble towards people who didn't ask for it. I'm not innocent either. I've lost my virginity at the age of 16- but I've began dating Joanna at the age of 15. And it wasn't Joanna either. Surprisingly, it was with a guy.

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