DaithiDeLui~ Dare & Truth 2/2

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No Dom nor sub. Nogla would top.

Did he really just say that?!

I stood there in shock as I looked at everyone else. They either, stared at me in shock, or looked down at their lap..
"Shit." We all said at once..






I got up from the floor and so did everyone else. My cheeks burned in embarrassment and confusion at what just occurred. Delirious was the first to walk over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him with heavy eyes, and his blue eyes stared into mine, full of sympathy. "Lui... um- I think you should talk to him.. Try to- uh... understand what he meant... if he um..." Delirious said quietly looking down and trailed off. "If he doesn't want to to explain himself, then don't force him." Evan finished looking at me.

I stared back and looked at Mini and Tyler. They both nodded and looked back at me the same way Evan did. My eyes widened and I felt my heart pound.. They-They understand? I felt pure happiness and realized that my friends support this kind of thing...

I now understood..

Sure we're gaming friends, but they are also great normal friends too... They understand and just... Hot tears ran down my face as I felt... happy..

I loved my friends so much, they're are all like my brothers. "Lui, you OK?" Tyler asked, with worry. I wiped my tears with a smile on my face and just nodded. "I'm OK..." I smiled. I then looked at all of them, grinning. After that, I looked over to where Nogla headed off to, and felt a little anxious. I took a deep breath and began walking towards the restroom.

"Good luck, Lui!" They all whisper-yelled as I walked away. I felt courage as I got closer to the restroom door. Once I got there, I put my ear against the restroom door and heard silent sobbing. My heart ached in pain as I heard Daithi crying. I lightly knocked on the door, and straightened myself. "Nogla... open up.".

No response.

"Nogla.. please... I wanna understand what you meant, can you just please talk to me?" I heard his crying stop and silence grew...

I really just wanted to talk to him... My cheeks heated up at the thought again.... Why would Nogla say that?! .... Unless...

I heard the doorknob unlock and silence afterwards.

The queue...

I held the cold doorknob in my warm hand and turned it, opening the door. Once I opened it completely, I felt like crying. The room itself, had the same atmosphere you feel when you walk into a funeral... My heart ached to see Nogla's position.

He's seated on the wall of the tub, his elbows were on his knees, hands propping up his head. His head drooped over his hands. I saw him sniffle and I couldn't stand seeing Nogla like this... He's my best friend, and seeing him like this, really does kill me...

I slowly closed the restroom door and walked up to Nogla, kneeling down to eye level. He was still looking down, sniffling here and there.






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