Minicat~ I'll be there for you

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(Teh fluff<3)

No Dom nor sub. But, Tyler would Top.

Tyler's POV

"Hahaha-haahh! You dumb, BITCH!" I laughed out loud as Mini got killed by Vanoss's nuke in Gmod prop hunt. "FUCK!" He raged, making me chuckle. Vanoss lightly laughed but then exhaled. "Hey sorry you guys, it's hella late for me right now, I feel tired as fuck." He tiredly said.

"Understood, Hoodini." Mini said, as I laughed a bit. "Alright, bye." He said, ready to sign off.

"Bye Vanoss." Mini and I said in sync. Vanoss then disconnected and left me and Mini here alone.

"Up for another round?" I suggested, breaking the brief silence.

"Um, actually... Jay and I are gonna go out, and walk around." I felt confused and a little jealous for some reason. "Wait, isn't it like, 1 am over there?" I asked. "Close, and yeah, we're just gonna chill."

I felt myself grit my teeth, without knowing and looked back over at the game screen. "That's good." I mumbled. I didn't feel excited or happy... I don't know why, though.

"You okay, Tyler?" When he spoke my name, I actually felt my cheeks heat up. "Yeah, why" I casually asked. "You sound upset..." He said, worriedly.

"I-it's nothing..." I stuttered. There was a bit of an awkward silence, but he began to speak again. "Well, I'll be going. See ya, Tyler." Mini said flatly. Oh shit, should I say something... But what?!? "Bye, Ty-" "Be careful!!" I yelled at the microphone. I immediately face palmed right after I said that. "Umm, haha, I-I'll be OK, Tyler. Bye!" He said disconnecting.

What the fuck? Why do I get embarrassed around him so much?!? I would never stutter unless I was....


Craig's POV

I walked over to Jay's house in the cold, breezy night. The wind blew, across my pale skin. It glided through my short hair, making me feel at ease. On the way there, I looked up at the sky and saw the many stars, shimmering above me. I dazed into them and felt my eyes sparkle at the amazing sight. I exhaled, feeling all the stress go away. This feels amazing. Just like when I think about Tyler...

I continued walking towards his house, thinking about Tyler along the way. Once I got there, Jay was already outside his house, looking for me. "Heey! There you are, Mini!" He smiled, walking towards me. "Hey! Sorry dude, got distracted, you know." We over dramatically clasped our hands together, that pulled us into a hug with one giving another a pat on the back.

"Sorry I got here a little late." I apologized, looking down. "I got caught off guard by the night sky.." I said, trailing off. Jay smiled and looked up. "It is a nice night..." He admitted, staring at the thousands of stars above us. "Well, um- let's get going!" I eagerly said, turning my body, making my back face Jay. I started to walk while Jay caught up, and walked beside me. And so we talked and talked, walking in the midst of the cold, windy night.

Time Skip-

Jay and I laughed as we got to a red, stick man from across the street, signaling to us that we shouldn't pass. We were at some street lights...

Our laughs died down as Jay stared at me for a few seconds, before I looked back at him with confusion in my eyes. "W-what?" I laughed a bit, stuttering nervously. "Is Tyler yo boifriend?" He asked seriously. My eyes widened as I looked at him with surprise. My face felt hot, I looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course no-" "Don chu be fucking lying to me, Mini. You gais might not be dating, but you 2 hella love each other." He said bluntly, crossing his arms, looking at me with a smug look.

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