Vanlirious~ Forever, my Bitch

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Requested by: stupidgirl206


Top: Evan

Bottom: Jonathan

Jonathan's POV

Once I finally put my black, lined with red, short vest over my shoulder-off top, I looked at the mirror. I lightly blushed, looking at the capturing, slim figure. It was me... My red skirt BARELY covered my ass and crotch. I was stunned at how sexy this school outfit looked on me, tracing my fingers against my smooth, exposed thighs, giving myself chills. I grabbed my school bag and walked downstairs. I looked around to find no one in the first floor. I sigh in relief, knowing neither of my parents are here. They wouldn't let me go to school like this.

I don't usually dress like a girl, especially at school, but once I saw this outfit, I couldn't think of anything else but wearing it to school. The feeling of people staring at you, undressing you with their eyes, really got me turned on. I blushed at the thought, and just left the house, locking the front door. Out of nowhere, a gust of wind made my skirt fly up, exposing my panties to the fucking world. "Oh shit!" I quickly pushed it down and looked around if anyone saw.

I thought I was on the clear until, in the distance, I saw Evan. Evan Fong.

Evan Fong, the bad boy of the school, and my crush for the past century, saw everything happen. I stood still and looked away from him. I took a deep breath to calm my blushing, and kept walking towards the school, as if nothing happened. I felt his stare burn into the back of my head as I strutted down the sidewalk. I felt goosebumps as I felt a stare trail to my ass. I felt hot as my blushing got scorching.

Is it Evan's staring?



After what seemed like forever, I finally reached the school. I saw people getting into the school gates, some stared while others ignored. I felt a little hurt but was interrupted by someone pushing my shoulder. "Hey, watch it-" I immediately gasped and felt my heart pound out of my chest when I noticed it was Evan. He turned to look at me and scoffed. His group of friends piled around me. I felt surprised and looked at each one of them.

"What are you wearing, Dennis." Evan chuckled, looking me up and down, making me feel a little heated. "Dennis?" I whispered to myself, backing up. I bumped into one of Evan's friends named Tyler. "Watch it Jonathan." He growled as he pushed me back in the middle.

Before I turned back to Evan, I felt someone pull my skirt up. "H-Hey! Who the fuck did that?!" I yelled, turning around to Mini, Luke, and Brian. Brian chuckled and licked his lips. "I'm not into men, but you sure have such a nice ass Jonathan." He winked, making me shudder in response.

As if on queue, the bell rang. That didn't make his group of friends go anywhere, they just stood their ground. Everyone else just went in the school to their classes, leaving us there. Once everyone had went to their classes, Evan grabbed my wrist and faced me. I gasped in the process and looked into his deep brown eyes. "You think you can just walk into MY school with an outfit like that?", he growled, the grip around my wrist getting tighter. "It's a public school, and we can wear whatever we want." I spoke with a serious tone. "Uhh, news flash Jonathan, you're not a girl." Lui squeaked while crossing his arms. I scoffed and turned to him. "Tell me something I don't know." Evan pulled my wrist harshly again and made me turn back to him.

"Don't talk to us like that, you filthy whore." Evan spat, eyeing me with anger filling his eyes. I felt myself get slightly hard at the way how demanding he was, making me bite my bottom lip secretly. I pretended to not care and rolled my eyes. "Whatever, but I need to get to class, so... mind letting me go.." I tugged at my arm but he smirked. "Hmph, that's not the only reason why I wanted to talk to you."

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