H2OVanoss~ At the Pool

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{Unedited (DaithideNogla Videos) Story}


Top: Delirious
Bottom: Evan

Jonathan's POV

I chuckled lightly and eyed my lover with lust. "So, how do you like this restaurant?" I asked, adjusting my collar, the smell of steak and dessert, filling my nostrils. I lightly smiled once Evan's lips curled up. "Are you kidding me right now, Delirious? This is amazing!" His brown, slightly-narrowed eyes, lit up as he looked around at the fancy restaurant. Antiques and modern decorations were placed perfectly in the clean restaurant. Every spot that needed an enhancement of perfection, had it. Everyone within the same luxurious room as you, are all respectful and quiet. They are proper...

Not us.

"Mmm... Y'know~..." I brought my elbows to the table and rested my chin on my knuckles. "I really wanted you to like this place- my parents used to take me here every open Sunday." I smirked, scooting in closer. "That sounds good, babe." "Nuh-uh. Don't call me that." I glared at him from across the table. He seemed dumbfounded and tilted his head in confusion. I tried so hard not to crack a smile, but his cuteness was so fucking unbearable. "I told you, Evan." I spoke seriously. "Call me what you called me last night- ahem..."

I'm gonna get us kicked out.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Ohhh~ J-Jonathan, yes~! Please go faster, ahhhh~~❤" I gripped onto the sides of the table with my thumbs above the top and slouched down so my lower half was underneath the table. I began thrusting up into the table, making it rock up and down with loud thumps. "I want you so bad~~ Ahh, right there baby~ Ah.... Ahhhh~" Evan was as red as a tomato and covered his mouth. His eyes narrowed as he tried to stop himself from laughing. "Ahhh~!" At this point, everyone in the whole restaurant stared at us with disgust and shock. Did I give a fuck? No.

"Ah- ah- ahh! Baby, I'm close~~!!" I opened my mouth slightly and closed one of my eyes. The other was half-lidded and I was staring at Evan. His face got redder as he widened his eyes with fear and covered his lap. I went faster and harder, winking and lightly smirked. He covered his lap even more and bit his bottom lip.

" ......... AHHHH~~!!"

4 seconds later...

"I swear officer, it won't happen again." I raised my hands up in a surrender-like position. The police officer glared at me and back at Evan, who looked down in 'shame'. But in reality, he was just acting. We both were. "It better not." He growled, venom dripping from each word he spoke. He walked back to his cop car, the sounds of his shoes tapping against the pavement as he walked away. Once he drove off, we were left in silence.

It stayed like that for as long as it took for us to get to our car. Once we got in, the first thing Evan did was swiftly turn his body towards mine and grabbed my face, pulling me towards him. I reacted fast by furiously grabbing the back of his head and his waist. Our cold lips crashed against one another, immediately feeling heat radiate off of the other. His thin, plump lips massaged mine. He parted them and rubbed his opening on my bottom lip, lightly sucking on it. I smirked and pulled him on my lap. Evan sat on my crotch and put his thighs on either side of mine. He adjusted his hand on my hair and lightly tugged at it. I tilted my head to the right and opened my wet mouth, revealing my teeth. I lightly bit his lower lip and tugged on it. A light, deep, moan emitted from the bottom of his throat, filling my ears. Heat was filling the car, making the windows fog up a little. Lust and passion suffocated the vehicle. I let go of his bottom lip, and felt him lightly bounce in rhythm. His bouncing went faster as he made sure to go harder going down, than up. "Ohh~" I moaned sweetly, feeling the friction going on around my, 'sensitive area', and every movement caused excitement to jolt through my veins. Just before this could get even more heated, there was an audible vibration.

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