H2OVanoss~ Help me

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(TRIGGER WARNING: Self harm, rape, abuse, cursing.) Sorry for sad shit. :(

No Dom nor sub. Both are equally likely to top or bottom.

Delirious' POV

I just finished cleaning the whole house. I looked around and made sure everything was sparkly clean, or else Luke wouldn't like it. I have to be a good boyfriend. Luke comes home tired and drunk most of the time, but I understand his decisions. He gets tired and goes drinking. If he comes back home to a house that wasn't properly cleaned, he would hit me... and hard.

Although, I deserve it, I messed up and I deserved to get punished.

I heard keys jingle from behind the front door. "Luke's here!" I whispered to my self, feeling my heart beat quicken. The door was lazily pushed open and revealed a drunk boyfriend. He held a beer in his left hand, keys in the other. "W-welcome home, Luke!" I forced a smile. He ignored me, and step over harshly, causing his beer to spill on the carpet. Luke looked down and furrowed his eyebrows. "What the FUCK, you worthless piece of SHIT!"


"Didn't I tell you to clean the house?! What's this?!" He yelled, pointing at the beer stain. "I-Im sorry, Lu-" He punched me right in the jaw, making me fall back on the floor. I grunted in pain and held my stinging jaw. I felt tears start to well up my vision.

It's gonna happen again...

He stepped on my face hard as I yelled in pain.

I'm weak.

I cried harder and felt him kick my side, hard. I screeched at the sharp pain on my side.
I'm worthless.
I curled up into a ball and felt him spill his beer on my red, tear stained face. It ran down, some getting in my eye and ear. I coughed and wiped it off. He threw his beer can at my face, making me whimper badly.
I'm pathetic.
Luke kicked me once again at my bruised sides. "You're a fucking disappointment, you little fucking shit" He growled angrily. He spat on me and stumbled upstairs, leaving me to die on the floor.

I curled up on my side and hugged my legs. I was quietly sobbing, hot tears running down my bruised face. My whole body ached with pain, especially my torso. I'm so fucking worthless, and pathetic!! I sobbed harder, a headache tearing my mind apart. I panted hard holding my stomach, and thought...

I kept crying,


and forgiving,

-every single day of my life with him. It was a cycle, that I dreaded. But I deserved it.

Luke has the right to beat me. I have no other purpose in life. Whatever I get from him, is whatever I'd like to do to myself, but I'm always too scared. That's right, fucking PATHETIC. I know my place, yet I still don't know why I try to improve...





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